Object type

Model 545B Dual Beam Oscilloscope

"Heathkit" laboratory oscilloscope by Daystrom Ltd.


Solartron oscilloscope model CD568


Cathode-ray oscilloscope type GM 3155 B no.3851


Dual trace oscilloscope made by Sampo Technology Corporation


Dual-beam oscilloscope type D53 serial no.206362


Prototype liquid crystal oscilloscope display made at the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment


Cossor double-beam oscilloscope tube 09D (CV 1596)

Portable cathode ray oscilloscope, about 1952





Oscillograph used for Electroencephalography


Oscilloscope Camera


Oscilloscope Camera


Miniature oscilloscope type 244


Scopex Voyager liquid crystal display oscilloscope


Oscilloscope for use on Indicator Unit Type 26

Furzehill oscilloscope, type 0.180, s/n 14

Cossor double-beam oscilloscope tube 89J (CV2750)

Telequipment two-channel oscilloscope type D54

Dual Oscilloscope


Furzehill oscilloscope


Storage oscilloscope


Oscilloscope; contained in wooden case with 'ULTRASCOPE MK I' marked on front under screen, but above dials. Manufactured by Ultra Electric Ltd

Ultra Electric oscilloscope

Telequipment laboratory oscilloscope, type D43, s/n 74719, with manual

Telequipment laboratory oscilloscope

Dual channel digital storage oscilloscope, as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, England, established by Professor Hans Eysenck and Dr Paul Barrett to conduct investigations into the relationship between psychophysical and psychometric measures, 1988-1994.

Dual channel digital storage oscilloscope


Dual channel digital storage oscilloscope, as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, England, established by Professor Hans Eysenck and Dr Paul Barrett to conduct investigations into the relationship between psychophysical and psychometric measures, 1988-1994.

Dual channel digital storage oscilloscope


"Serviscope" oscilloscope, type 51E serial no. 80463, by Telequipment

"Serviscope" oscilloscope


Dual-beam oscilloscope type 565 serial no.000665 by Tektronix Inc. Portland, Oregon, USA, with two built-in timebases (one capable of acting as a delay timer) and two plug-in dual-tracer amplifiers type 3A6 serial nos. 100304 and 100306 both marked Textronix Guernsey Ltd., C.I.

Dual-beam oscilloscope type 565 serial no.000665


Oscilloscope, model 3332 no.21289, by A.C. Cossor Ltd., London, 1940-1960

Oscilloscope, model 3332 no.21289


Physiological stimulator with oscilloscope by Tektronix Guernsey Ltd., used at the Physiology Laboratory, Cambridge, 1960-1975

Physiological stimulator with oscilloscope by Tektronix Guernsey Ltd.

'Solarscope' type CD1014.3 cathode ray oscilloscope serial no. 95136 by Solartron

'Solarscope' type CD1014.3 cathode ray oscilloscope

1960-1969 (estimated)

Dual-beam oscilloscope type 502A serial no.102916, marked Tektronix Guernsey Ltd., C.I., with built-in timebase and amplifiers

Dual-beam oscilloscope type 502A serial no.102916


Dual-beam oscilloscope, type 555, serial number 100329, by Tektronix, 1960-79.

Dual-beam oscilloscope


XT316 Prototype Oscilloscope Chassis designed by E.N. Shaw, 1957 (Prototype for Solartron type CT316)

XT316 Prototype Oscilloscope Chassis designed by E.N. Shaw


Dual channel digital storage oscilloscope, as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, England, established by Professor Hans Eysenck and Dr Paul Barrett to conduct investigations into the relationship between psychophysical and psychometric measures, 1988-1994.

Dual channel digital storage oscilloscope


Gould dual channel analogue oscilloscope (long delay phosphor), as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, England, established by Professor Hans Eysenck and Dr Paul Barrett to conduct investigations into the relationship between psychophysical and psychometric measures, 1988-1994.

Gould dual channel analogue oscilloscope (long delay phosphor)


Photodisk. Oscilloscope principal. Cone with celuloid diaphram and horseshoe magnet, on a wood base. mirror missing from centre of celuloid. Manufactured by Griffin and Tatlock Ltd

Oscilloscope manufactured by Griffin and Tatlock Ltd

circa 1940

Tektronik oscilloscope, type 545, (1959), with type K plug-in unit. (S/N) 100075)

Tektronik oscilloscope

Nagard wide-range calibrated oscilloscope, model DT 103, c. 1957

Nagard wide-range calibrated oscilloscope

Storage oscilloscope, type 549, with trolley, by Tektronix, 1960-69.

Storage oscilloscope


Sampling oscilloscope model 185A serial no. 120-00774 by Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, California, with two captive probes, c. 1960, with two input channels each 10 - 200 mV/cm and timebase 10 - 100 millimicroseconds/cm plus X1 and X10 magnifier.

Sampling oscilloscope model 185A serial no. 120-00774 by Hewlett Packard

1955-1964 (estimated)

Oscilloscope type 561A serial no.100506 by Tektronix Guernsey Ltd., CI.

Oscilloscope type 561A serial no.100506 by Tektronix Guernsey Ltd.


Dura-Vue 5th four channel non-fade oscilloscope, model 4144/2, for the central station of an intensive therapy unnit, by British American Optical Co. 1979

Dura-Vue 5th four channel non-fade oscilloscope


Six dual channel digital storage oscilloscopes, as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, England, established by Professor Hans Eysenck and Dr Paul Barrett to conduct investigations into the relationship between psychophysical and psychometric measures, 1988-1994.

Six dual channel digital storage oscilloscopes


Two Gould dual channel analogue oscilloscopes (long delay phosphor), as used in the Biosignal Laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, England, established by Professor Hans Eysenck and Dr Paul Barrett to conduct investigations into the relationship between psychophysical and psychometric measures, 1988-1994.

Two Gould dual channel analogue oscilloscopes (long delay phosphor)


Oscilloscope by Mullard Measuring Apparatus, type E800, associated with Lord Adrian, 1945-1955

Oscilloscope by Mullard Measuring Apparatus

Southern instruments Minirack Modular Oscilloscope c.1950; remarks: G211A vibration pickup transclucer; M700L-FM oscillor; MR220F pre amplifier; MR252 driver amplifier; MR281 marker amplifier; MR348 double tube scope; MR202-HT power supply; MR202D-HT power supply; MR232C-EHT power supply; MR203C time box; oscilloscope camera

Southern instruments Minirack Modular Oscilloscope