Object type

Two-core cable sample

Roll of paper


Silver Silk lavatory paper

A piece of brown paper dipped in Sulphur for use as Sulphur-matches. ? England.

Piece of brown paper dipped in sulphur

Last batch of this hand-made paper produced; made by the same process as that said by Talbot to have been used for his negative work. Whatman's told the donor the process had not changed since Talbot's time. The blue colour is due to smalt in the paper.

Whatman's 'Blue Post Wove' paper

Roll of paper for the electronic payment terminal, by Racal Transcom Ltd, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England, 1990-1998

Roll of paper for the electronic payment terminal


Two-core cable sample, paper insulated, lead sheathed, by British Insulated Wire Company

Two-core cable sample

Two-core cable sample, paper insulated, lead sheathed, by British Insulated Wire Company

Two-core cable sample

Blank sheet of sketching paper.

blank sheet of sketching paper

Main cable, twin core, paper insulated, lead sheathed, by British Insulated Wire Company, installed in 1889

Main cable


Series of A4 sheets of paper in plastic envelope marked ‘Emily Lawson: Speaking notes and speeches’: printed ‘CMO roundtable with BAME health leaders’, email confirming talking points for a documentary with purple ink handwritten notes, ‘Meeting with UK SROs for the Vaccine Deployment Programme on 23 February Briefing for the Royal Household’, draft of Brigadier Phil Prosser’s speech during Prime Minister’s televised briefing, draft printed speech notes with orange and black ink handwritten annotations, late 2020-early 2021, from the offices of NHS England at Skipton House, London, and associated with developing the strategy and monitoring the progress of the COVID-19 mass vaccination programme in England, 2020-2021.

Speech notes relating to COVID-19 vaccine roll out


Roll of paper with four newspapers inside, hand written note is titled "MR R COOKE Room 715".


The Development and Organisation of Newton, Chambers & Co. Ltd. / Sir Harold West. 1955 [11p. A paper read before the London School of Economics and Political Science on May 3rd, 1955. West was Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of the company]

The Development and Organisation of Newton


Box of thermal paper produced by Texas Instruments.

Box of thermal paper


Lined paper, headed Furness Railway unused.

Furness Railway lined paper

Wrapper, brown paper with 2 printed, gummed labels: ILLINGWORTH'S "EMTONE" - GLOSSY SELF - TONING PAPER

Illingworth's 'Emtone' Self-Toning Paper

Packet of resin from Sumatra, 1871-1930

Packet of resin from Sumatra, 1871-1930


8 twists of tissue paper, used by Barber surgeons for burning in bleeding bowls, from algeria, 1750-1920

8 twists of tissue paper


Series of A4 sheets of paper in plastic envelope marked ‘Emily Lawson: Data and Operational Info’: stapled A4 print out of ‘14a COVID-19 – SAR CoV-2’ dated 12 February 2021, 24 pages, from COVID-19: the Green Book with hand written note ‘from Matt Jolly 23rd Feb at 14.00’, tea-stained handwritten notes ‘data and operational information and onboarding of volunteers’ with post-it notes, handwritten flowchart of vaccinators on HM Government notepaper from COVID Operations Committee meeting 73, 20 November 2020, typed notes on the ‘Development of vaccine deployment strategy: delivering the vaccines to the over 80s’, handwritten flowchart on vaccine movement through ambient temperature transfers, handwritten notes on vaccine roll-out in Primary Care Networks, Hospital Hubs and Vaccination Centres, handwritten bar graph of first doses by week with current second doses outstanding (graph dated between 8 March 2021 and 7 June 2021, handwritten bar graph of those who had first dose in week commencing 15 March with second dose within 11 weeks, handwritten bar graph of when people had their second dose after receiving their first dose in week commencing 15 March, handwritten bar graph regarding first doses and second doses (between day 49 and day 65), 3 handwritten bar graphs of showing first doses between 15 March and 7 June 2021 second doses between 31 May and 26 June 2021 and second doses due on 14 June, handwritten draft bar graph for first dose pattern, handwritten bar graph ‘Reconciliation of totals for a day’, handwritten graph cumulative doses, draft chart 2nd doses AZ by cohort by day, printed ‘Director report Primary Care Support Services’, dated March 2021, with a black line from corner to corner, handwritten draft of ‘Sensitivity Analysis’, draft base line slide for doses from 8 December onwards, handwritten to-do notes; handwritten chart about eligible groups and possible vaccination channels, late 2020-early 2021, from the offices of NHS England at Skipton House, London, and associated with developing the strategy and monitoring the progress of the COVID-19 mass vaccination programme in England, 2020-2021.

Notes and sketches on COVID-19 vaccine delivery


Two-core cable sample, paper insulated, lead sheathed, by British Insulated Wire Company

Two-core cable sample