Object type
Memorandum of names of members of the Retford Transport Central Strike Committee, signed by the Chairman, 3 May 1926; Note of Staff History Record of Frank Shearsmith Fidell, 1890-1955; Photographs of London & South Western Railway, 0-6-0 engine No 64125 with driver.

papers relating to frank shearsmith fidell


Miscellaneous printed papers sent to Messrs. W. and R. Wilson of Hunslet, Leeds, relating to their ownership of shares in the North Midland Railway (NMR), 1841-1846. 5 items, as follows: List of prices of shares in canals, railways etc. by J. H. & G. Ridsdale, Share Brokers, 12 January 1841, enclosing certificate of North Midland Railway shares (now missing); circular letter from the Secretary of the North Midland Railway re dividends on shares, 1 March 1842; North Midland Railway statement of capital and revenue accounts, 31 December 1841 to 30 June 1842; Leeds share list by William Walker, 1 September 1842; proceedings of the fourth half-yearly general meeting of the Midland Railway, 19 January 1846.

Papers relating to shares in the North Midland Railway (supplied title)


Papers relating to Ben Ivinson's bid for election as an independent candidate to the London & North Eastern Railway (LNER) Board of Directors, 1929. 4 items.

papers relating to the Ben Ivinson's bid for election onto LNER board of directors


Papers and correspondence largely related to Nicholas Stanley’s efforts to trace CO Stanley's archive and to commission a biography, 1996-2002 with some miscellaneous material from 1930s-1970s.

CO Stanley archive, Box 21

Bundle of papers, correspondence, way bills etc., relating to freight movements, Great Northern Railway, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway, Caledonian Railway, Stamford & Essendine Railway (23 items).

bundle of papers, correspondence, way bills etc., relating to freight movements


Papers and photographs of John Cusworth, Assistant to Chief Carriage and Wagon Inspector, British Railways (North Eastern Region), Stooperdale Works, Darlington, including photographs of wagon stock and transport of outsize loads, c1910-1956. 1 file.

Papers and photographs of John Cusworth

Collection of pay slips and appointment papers belonging to Mrs G Whitton (nee Nicholls), Clerical Officer for British Railways, Wolverton Carriage & Wagon Works Wages Office, 1950-1958, Hemel Hempstead/Watford 1958-1987.

Collection of pay slips and papers of Mrs Gillian Whitton


Collection of papers and leaflets relating to travelling post offices and the Post Office Railway.

Collection of papers and leaflets relating to travelling post offices


Collection of Stewart Johnson Crispin, structural engineer. Comprises lecture notes, drawings, 35mm colour slides, 2 1/4 inches glass slides and typed papers collected and compiled by S.J. Crispin between 1929 and 1985 on various aspects of civil engineering, particularly railways and mining in Cornwall. Includes unpublished surveys of the viaducts and bridges on the Great Western Railway between Paddington and Penzance (main line and branches), c.350 glass slides and c.130 35mm colour slides re Cornwall Railway and aspects of Cornish industrial archaeology.

Stewart Johnson Crispin Papers

circa 1929-1985

GWR General Strike papers May 1926, typescripts, as follows: Reproductions of 12 public bulletins issued during the Strike, 6-14 May (in a wrapper illustrated with the GWR coat of arms and a coloured Union Jack); copies of notices, posters and instructions issued by the General Manager; minutes of the Chief Officers' Conference meetings of 6, 7 and 8 May; reports issued from Paddington Station, 4-11 May.

Great Western Railway General Strike Papers


Papers of J. L. Harrington, General Manager of British Rail Shipping & International Services Division, concerning ship building & plans for building a Channel Tunnel, 1888-1973. Comprises of 4 archive boxes and a photographic album of the launch of ship TSMV Arran, 1953.

Papers of J L Harrington


Assorted handbills and notices issued by South Eastern & Chatham Railway relating to the exchange rate of French currency for soldiers in uniform at Victoria.

Papers relating to the exchange rate of French Currency


Memoranda from the Great Western Railway Locomotive and Carriage Department, Swindon Station, 3 October 1895, regarding wagons. List of Severn & Wye & Severn Bridge Railway Rolling Stock Merchandise and Minerals, including wagon numbers, description, wheels, date originally built, makers and remarks.

Papers relating to the Severn & Wye and Severn Bridge Railway Company


List of rolling stock locomotive engines giving names and details of locomotives, original costs and some notes on condition. Also includes memoranda and list of workmen employed at the Great Western & Midland Railway Joint Severn & Wye & Severn Bridge Railway Locomotive Deapartment 2 September 1895.

Papers relating to the Severn & Wye & Severn Bridge Railway


Papers from British Railways Eastern Region Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer, 3 items. Comprising of 1.Correspondence relating to the sale of locomotive no. 60103 (4472) 'Flying Scotsman' to A F Pegler, May 1962-June 1967. 2. Register of experiments and file of loose papers for Doncaster, Stratford, Darlington, & Gorton offices, June 1949-April 1967. 3. Loose papers and correspondence from the experiments (above) concerning standard procedures for dealing with rolling stock experiments, April 1949-September 1956.

British Railways Eastern Region Sale of Flying Scotsman papers

1962-1967, and 1949-1971

The Thomas Beckett Isle of Man Railway Collection consisting of brochures, timetables, leaflets, tickets, postcards and materials relating to the island railways, contained with 18 albums.

Isle of Man Railway Collection

Collection of documents and papers relating to British Rail's Total Operations Processing System (TOPS) for the computerised controlling of traffic, circa 1973 to 1979. Includes files, reports, handbooks, manuals, forms, cards etc. The material was originally used on board BR Training Coach no. TDW 80976. 18 boxes and outsize items.

Total Operations Processing System (TOPS) collection

circa 1973-1979

Additional papers of D W (Bill) Harvey concerning locomotive working and preservation, c. 1930-1993, 2 boxes. Material includes four photograph album/scrapbooks including the Institution of Locomotive Engineers Summer Meeting in Germany 9-17 June 1928 and 23-31 May 1936. Correspondence c 1960s, working papers from British Transport Commission Motive Power Department, Norwich, photographs of the restoration of LT&SR "Thundersley", correspondence regarding the restoration of "Oliver Cromwell" and "Thundersley", Railway Executive reports 1949 and Flying Scotsman report, 1924, 15 notebooks.

Additional papers of D W (Bill) Harvey concerning locomotive working and preservation

circa 1930-1993

Papers and photograph albums of H A Short, 1921-1961. H A Short was appointed as Chief Regional Officer of North Eastern Region, British Railways in 1950. The material includes, three scrapbooks of news cuttings 1935-1961, photo albums for 1952-1954 (Railway Queen photos), 1955-1956, 1957-1960 (water damage), 1960-1961. A personal account of the Story of Southampton Docks during the War, 1939-1945. H A Short worked at Southampton Docks during the period of despatch of troops and equipment from Southampton for D-Day operations. Officical Southern Railway photos of the aftermath of the bombing at Southampton Docks in 1940 including two photos with 'Secret, not for official use' on the back. Objects include three 1921 tickets, a British Railways Electrification Conference, 1960 badge, a FCCA [Italian?] first class pass for Gladys Short and a H.A.S engraved carriage key.

Papers and photograph albums of H A Short, Chief Regional Officer, British Railways, North Eastern Region


Papers of Walter H Lee, Fireman for the London & North Eastern Railway, Stratford, concerning a lecture entitled "The Hook Continental from the Fireman's Point of View", given to the Stephenson Locomotive Society on 3 April 1939, 1938-1954. 10 items.

Papers of Walter H Lee, Fireman, Stratford


Papers concerning and removed from NER Dynamometer Car no. 902502 including diagrams, reports, charts and drawings of equipment; also general papers concerning tests and experiments including plans of proposed locomotive experimental station at Darlington; c. 1903- 1972, 7 boxes, 20 rolls, 9 charts.

Papers relating to NER Dynamometer car no. 902502

circa 1903- 1972

Papers concerning official visits and tours made by Sir Peter Parker, Chairman, British Railways Board, and other board members and officials, including notes, publicity material, menus, itineraries, minutes, etc., 1976-1983, 46 boxes.

Papers of Sir Peter Parker


Papers of Henry Gent, Hotels Superintendent, London & North Eastern Railway; also of G E Gent: correspondence relating to salary; letter re 48 years service; typescripts by G E Gent; correspondence re Gent's attempts to gain a commission; notes, career resume of G E Gent; photographs. Includes a London and North Eastern Railway Centenary programme 1925, North Eastern Railway First Class Free Pass ticket 1916, Royal Station Hotel, Hull - an illustrated description of the re-opening in 1935.

Papers of Henry Gent


Papers of N J Privett, Night Ferry Attendant, 1977-1980, relating to last run of the Night Ferry Service: Book, "Livret Descriptif Voiture-Lits No 3805", 1958-1977; Booklet, "Supplement to Working Manual for Rail Staff - H. Instructions for "Night Ferry" Sleeping Car Attendants, Carriage Servicing Staff and all others concerned", 25 September 1977; Note, Coding Table for Incidents and Defects on [Night Ferry?], c1977; Circular to S R Privett, Night ferry Attendant, Victoria, giving additional fire precautions instructions, 13 July July 1978; Booklet re Night Ferry service from London to Paris and Brussels on the occasion of its termination on 31 October 1980; Letterheads of British Rail Staff Association (BRSA) Centenary Club, Radipole Park Drive, Weymouth, Dorset, 1980s.

Papers of N J Privett relating to the last run of the Night Ferry Service


Papers of H M Whitcombe, c1970-1983, preliminary sketches and drawings, correspondence, copy drawings and other working papers concerning a series of oil paintings of early locomotives by H M Whitcombe. These paintings are illustrated in "After Rocket: The Forgotten Years 1830-1870" by H M Whitcombe, published in 1981. Twenty-seven of these paintings are held in the NRM Pictorial Collection. 2 boxes.

Papers of H M Whitcombe


Records of journeys by G Merry, footplateman, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, London & North Western Railway, London Midland & Scottish Railway and British Railways, 1912-1960, 1 box.

Records of journeys by G Merry


Research papers of C.F. Dendy Marshall. Comprises cuttings and notes; illustrations, photographs and drawings; patent specifications; official accident reports, etc. re locomotives and railways in Britain. Contains also papers re his interest in philately, and his work at the Ministry of Munitions (Munition Inventions Department) during World War One, and later inventions.

C. F. Dendy Marshall Papers

circa 1914-1946

Collection of miscellaneous manuscript and printed papers regarding life and work of mechanical engineer David Joy (1825-1903). Includes retrospectively written personal manuscript diaries (illustrated) for the years 1851-56 and 1874-93. See also items held under inventory numbers 1983-681 (an earlier diary) and 1894-233 (a photo) for other items which, with this collection of papers, form the Joy archive. Please contact Search Engine for a list.

David Joy Papers


Papers relating to the career of John Thomas Allen, railway detective and Assistant Chief of Police, London & North Western Railway (LNWR), 1887-c1915.1. typescript sheet giving summary of his career; 2. memo to Allen from LNWR Police office at Euston dated 2 September 1910 enclosing copy of letter from Scotland Yard thanking LNWR for help and assistance received in the landing and conveyance to London of Dr Crippen and Ethel Le Neve; 3. 8-page typescript giving detailed account of Allen's career (work done, posts held, significant cases handled) including his work protecting royalty.

Papers relating to the career of John Thomas Allen, railway detective and Assistant Chief of Police, London & North Western Railway


[Papers (1890-1937) of W.B. Ferguson re his work on photographic sensitometry, negative density measurement, calculation of development times for film, etc. Comprises: 1- personal correspondence and papers; 2- work on photography; 3- Ferguson and the British Sensitometry Standardisation Committee 1925-1937; 4- Ferguson and the British Photographic Research Association; 5- Hurter and Driffield material; 6- Miscellaneous offprints concerned with photography. 3 boxes, listing available]

Papers (1890-1937) of W.B. Ferguson


Collection of papers, operating manuals and component specifications for the maintenance and operation of ROSA BOSOM, Radio Operated Simulated Actress, by Bruce Lacey, 1965.

Papers and operating manuals for ROSA BOSOM robot by Bruce Lacey


Excursion handbills, signal diagram and notices relating to railways in the Lancaster and Carlisle area and 1 item of local history ephemera, 14 items overall.

Papers relating to railways in the Lancaster and Carlisle area and local history ephemera


Papers of John Melling; letters patent, 1837; list of locomotives on the Liverpool & Manchester Railway, 1837; list of locomotives on the Grand Junction Railway, 1839; note of engines with patent gearing, 1838; bundle containing busines card, time chart, Woods letter.

John Melling papers


Papers and photographs concerning East African Railways and Harbours and the London Midland and Scottish Railway, 1937-1962.

Papers and photographs concerning East African Railways and Harbours and the London Midland and Scottish Railway


Papers, minutes, files, correspondence, photographs, etc., Papers of BR Scientific Services and predecessors including the LMS Chemistry Department, LNER Doncaster laboratory etc., circa 1870 to 1980. BR Scientific Services was created on nationalisation in 1948 from the former LMS Chemistry Department at 500 London Road, Derby. Other science services including the LNER's Doncaster laboratory were moved to Derby at the time, and thus the papers were concentrated at 500 London Road. The papers include correspondence, reports, photographs, and the minutes of various committees including the Traffic & Dangerous Goods Committee and the Regional Scientific Services Committee. CLOSED FOR PUBLIC ACCESS. ANY REQUESTS FOR ACCESS TO BE REFERRED TO THE NRM ARCHIVIST

Papers of BR Scientific Services and Predecessors

circa 1870- circa 1980

Printed programmes and photographs of productions by the Southern Railway Musical Society, 1951 to 1958. Covers productions staged at Battersea Town Hall, the Civic Theatre, Poplar, and the Duthy Hall, Great Guildford Street.

Programmes and photographs of the Southern Railway Musical Society


Papers relating to Mr Parry, Station Master, Uxbridge, Great Western Railway, 1881-1885: telegraph from Lord Charles Beresford; telegram from Buckingham Palace; invitation to H M Buck Hounds Dinner; letter from War Office; letter from Bishop of Oxford.

Papers relating to Mr Parry, Station Master, Uxbridge


Papers from the Hackworth family archive, collected by the Hackworth family, originates from members of the family and associated individuals in the United Kingdom and the United States, copies and originals of correspondence from late 1900s to early 20th century. This was a further acquisition to the Hackworth archive already held at the NRM.

Hackworth family papers


Rice paper from China in an envelope, Chinese 1900-1930

Rice paper from China in an envelope


Paper wrapping containing numerous segments of rind or peel of unknown provenance

Paper wrapping containing segments of rind


Papers of J.O.P. Hughes, Chief Designer (Gas Turbine Projects), English Electric Company, concerning the experimental locomotive no. GT3, 1948-1975. 3 boxes


Notes, 1947-1949, comprising a manuscript history of the Sudan Railways. File 1 includes extracts from reports and books, maps and 'recollections of staff'; file 2 includes drawings, blueprints, maps, periodical articles, trade literature; file 3 contains notes, 'queries' and copy letters. Maunsell worked on this 'history' after retiring from his position as assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer to Sudan Railways in about 1947.

R.L.D. Maunsell's Notes on the History of the Sudan Railways


Siding agreements, related correspondence and insurance policies for railway lines in Lincolnshire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire with various railways and various chemical and tar distilling companies, including Tunstall & Co, Brotherton & Co, Henry Ellison Ltd, Manchester & Sheffield Tar Works, and the Oaks Chemical Co and Yorkshire Tar Distillers Ltd, 1898-1960.

W N Tyler collection of tar works sidings agreements and related correspondence


Papers collated by Mr D Maples during his work at the Cost Office of the London Midland & Scotish Railway (LMS), throughout the 1930's. Includes many pro forma documents relating to locomotive and carriage and wagon repairs and maintenance. 3 files.

Papers collated by Mr D Maples during his work at the Cost Office of the London Midland & Scotish Railway (LMS)


Papers relating to the life and career of Sidney Springgay, Ship's Purser on Southern Railways and British Railways. Includes two unpublished typescripts of a projected book of memoirs, "Tales of the Channel," as well as press releases, photographs and correspondence. includes accounts of his service in the Second World War / World War Two / WW2 Mr. Springgay passed the material to Henry Maxwell, who investigated publishing the memoirs in the early 1960s.

Papers relating to Sidney Springgay


Archive of Arnold Walls, railway employee who worked at the York District Road Motors Engineer Department and lived in Malton. Contains correspondence and official documentation received from BR documenting his family camping coach holidays taken 1954-1965 beginning in Sandsend then in the late 50s traveling further afield to Saundersfoot (Wales), Tyndrum Lower, Wemyss Bay & Plockton (Scotland), Hest Bank (Lancaster). Supported by an map where he marked each holiday destination. Letters, accounts and invoices added 2018 and c.2020. Also contains BR circulars re travel concessions for BR staff, tickets and luggage labels, records to suggest he was relocated from London, annotated BR publications 'redundancy transfer and resettlement railway workshop and supervisory staff' (1964); BTC 'Privilege Ticket and privilege Season Ticket Arrangements' (1962); BTC 'Staff Free Travel Facilities British Railways Standard Conditions' also conations reminder notice for SS ''hendonhall'' 06/12/1931 and a LNER air raid precautions certificate to certify course in anti gas training (1938), National Union of Railwaymen contribution cards, notice of increase of rent, decorative repair, fixing of TV Ariel, fur and feather show awards Y show, records relating to privilege travel cards Memorandum and invoice re the payment of Garden land (1950s -1990)

Archive of A. Walls, railway employee at York District Road Motors Engineers Department


Papers of the late Rev. Roger Calvert. Personal papers, correspondence, articles, notes etc. of the Rev. Roger Calvert, transport campaigner, member of the Inland Waterways Association (IWA), Honourary Secretary and later Vice President of the National Council for Inland Transport.

Papers of the late Rev. Roger Calvert. Personal papers


Papers, vacuum brake patent papers, Sydney H. Morden, Edward S. Luard, Vacuum Brake Co. Ltd. Consolidated Brake & Engineering Co. Ltd., etc., circa 1906 to 1917. Collection of legal documents, printed patent specifications, drawings, correspondence, press advertisements etc. relating to patents for vacuum brake apparatus taken out by Sydney H. Morden, Edward S. Luard, the Vacuum Brake Co., the Consolidated Brake & Engineering Co. Ltd., and others. Includes copies of Morden's grant of patents in Argentina, the Transvaal, Australia, Natal and the Cape of Good Hope Colony; various drawings and letters re apparatus for Madras Railways; correspondence with G.F. Redfern, Patent Agent, re Hungarian patents, etc. Dating between circa 1906 and 1917.

Vacuum Brake Patent Papers

circa 1906-circa 1917

Papers from the Hackworth family archive, collected by the Hackworth family and associated individuals in the United Kingdom and the United States. Printed material, photographs, research material and correspondence. Includes early railway letters to and from Timothy Hackworth relating to Stephenson and Co, George Dixon etc; estate papers relating to mental health of Ann Ambler, daughter of Timothy Hackworth; letters to and from John Wesley Hackworth; correspondence gathered by Robert Young from family members Samuel Holmes and Robert Pickering.

Hackworth family papers


Papers from the Hackworth family archive, collected by the Hackworth family, originates from members of the family and associated individuals in the United Kingdom and United States. 3 volumes,

Hackworth family papers
