White china coffee percolator on pedestal with pewter spout, probably European, 19th century White china coffee percolator on pedestal with pewter spout 1801-1900
`Davey' electric coffee percolator, 230-250V, 400W, by A.D. Davidson Electrical Co., Birmingham 5, with connector, flex and plug, 1930-1948 Electric coffee percolator 1930-1948
Small coffee percolator and blue dish in aluminosilicate glass, 1979 Small coffee percolator and blue dish in aluminosilicate glass 1979
Coffee percolator partly sectioned at the top to reveal the constructi on of the coffee chamber, where coffee is placed on a sieve and compre ssed by a plunger, and hot water poured over it to drip into the chamb er underneath, lightweight metal construction, Italian, 1973 Coffee percolator partly sectioned at the top to reveal the constructi on of the coffee chamber 1973
Hotpoint Coffee Percolator, Pat.No.614 P1, serial no.1D, 230-240V, 1.7Amps, English, c. 1940 Hotpoint Coffee Percolator 1940
Stoneware pharmacy percolator, with stand and stirrer, Europe, 1800-1850 Pharmacy percolator, with stand and stirrer, 1800-1850 1800-1850