Object type
Two tins of 'Fenobelladine' tablets (phenobarbitone and belladonna), with paper labels, complete with contents. Height 14 mm x width 80 mm x depth 57 mm, weight 57g. Inscribed: 'Tablets/ FENOBELLADINE/ Ext. Belladonna Sicc. B.P. gr. 1-4/ Phenobarbitone B.P. gr. 1-4/ Dose: 1/2-4 tablets t.d.s./ FOR DISPENSING ONLY/ POISON/ MEDO- Chemicals Ltd. / 144. FORTRESS ROAD, LONDON, N.W.5./ TELEPHONE: GULLIVER 3352/ MADE IN ENGLAND'. Made by Medo-Chemicals Ltd., 144 Fortess Road, London, NW5, England. English, 1950-1960.

2 x tins of Fenobelladine tablets


Bottle of "Luminal Sodium" tablets (phenobarbitone) in original carton, complete with contents. Height 71 mm x width 42 mm x depth 19 mm, weight 59g. Inscribed: 'gr.1 100 TABLETS (0.06g.)/ LUMINAL / SODIUM / Trade Mark Brand / SOLUBLE PHENOBARBITONE / NOT FOR INJECTION / POISON / BAYER PRODUCTS LTD. / LONDON.'. Made by Bayer Products Ltd., London. English, 1940-1960.

Glass bottle in original carton for luminal sodium tablets


Bottle of 'Gardenal' tablets (phenobarbitone), with paper instructions, in original carton. Height 74 mm x width 45 mm x depth 28 mm, weight 69g. Inscribed '100 TABLETS / gr. 1 1/2 (Grm. 0.097) / [typed] 52 959 / GARDENAL / (TRADE MARK) / Phenobarbital / Phenylethylmalonylurea / POISON /MAY & BAKER LTD./Battersea, London, S.W.11'. Made by May and Baker, Battersea, London, SW11, England. English, 1934.

Bottle of 'Gardenal' tablets within original carton, with instructions


Black simulated leather effect case with metal clasp, containing 12 labelled glass phials of tablets. 12 bottles contents as follows: 'Penacetin' (phenacetin and caffine - half full of tablets); 'Tab ha Phenobarbital' (phenobarbitone - around 14 tablets remaining); 'Digitalin & Nitroglycerin comp. (cardiac)' (strychnine, digitalin, nitroglycerin - half full of tablets); 'Pulv Ipecac CO. B.P. Dover Powder' (opium, ipecac - 3 tablets remaining); 'Palatinoids Hydrarg Subchlor' (mercury chloride - full of tablets); 'aperiens, fort' (Aloin, Jalapin, mercury chloride, gingerin - half full of tablets); 'laxoin' (dihydroxyphthalophenon - 3/4 full of tablets); 'hypnogen' (phenobarbitone - 4 tablets remaining); 'ergota praeparata' (Alaloids of ergot, ergotoxin - half full of tablets); 'butyl chlor gelsemin quinine' (butyl chloral hydrate, gelsemin, quinine - half full of tablets); 'Acetosal' (acetysalicylic acid - half full of tablets); 'Nitroglycerium' (nitroglycerine - full of tablets). Case: height 38 mm x width 243 mm x depth 91 mm, weight 310.90g; phial: height 85 mm x diameter 19 mm. Case inscribed: 'OPPENHEIMER SON & Co, LTD'. Manufactured by Oppenheimer Son and Co. Ltd., case inscribed 'Dr. E. Pringle'. English, 1870-1930.

Black simulated leather effect case containing 12 labelled glass phials of tablets.


Canister of Tedral S.A. tablets (ephedrine sulphate, phenobarbitone), with some remaining. 54 mm x 25 mm diameter, 10g. Inscribed: 'TEDRAL S.A. TABLETS / KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN / R. T. CHRISTOPHER, (Prop. A. M. Christopher, M.P.S.)/ 29 Silver Street, BRADFORD-ON-AVON Telephone 2276'. Made by Warner, dispensed by R. T. Christopher, Bradford-upon-Avon. English, 1970-1985.

Canister of Tedral S.A. tablets


Bottle of "Luminal-Sodiun" tablets (phenobarbitone), complete with contents. Height 56 mm x width 31 mm x depth 24 mm, weight 36g. Inscribed: '"LUMINAL"-SODIUM/.. / Brand of Soluble Phenobarbitone B.P. /.../BAYER PRODUCTS LTD.,/Africa House. Kingsway. LONDON. W.C.2/...'. Supplied by Bayer Products Ltd., London, made in U.S.A. English, 1940-1970.

Glass bottle of 'Luminal - Sodium' tablets


Bottle of "Luminal Sodium" tablets (phenobarbitone) in original carton, complete with contents. Height 86 mm x width 47 mm x depth 29 mm, weight 66g. Inscribed: 'TABLETS: 250 gr. 1/2 / LUMINAL / SODIUM / Trade Mark Brand / SOLUBLE PHENOBARBITONE / Manufactured in England by / BAYER PRODUCTS LTD. / LONDON / POISON' by Bayer Products Ltd., London. English, 1950-1960.

Bottle for luminal sodium tablets, with carton


Bottle of "Luminal" (phenobarbitone) tablets, within original carton, complete with contents. Height 94 mm x width 56 mm x depth 31 mm, weight 108g.Inscribed: 'gr. 1 250 TABLETS.../'LUMINAL'/.../PHENOBARBITONE/.../BAYER PRODUCTS LTD./LONDON'. , Made by Bayer Products, Ltd., London. English, 1950-1960.

Carton containing bottle of 'Luminal' tablets


Canister of "Neuro-Trasentin" tablets,. Height 59 mm x diameter 34 mm, weight 31g. Inscribed: '100 Tablets / Neuro- / Transentin / Reg. T.M. / Antispasmodic, sedative / POISON Sch. 4A / CIBA / .../ CIBA LABORATORIES LIMITED / Horsham, Sussex / Made in Great Britain / Unauthorised export prohibited / 44254'. Made by Ciba Laboratories Ltd., Horsham, Sussex. English, 1940-1960.

Canister of 'Neuro-Transentin' tablets


Green ribbed bottle of 'Phenobarbiton. B.P.', (phenobarbitone), complete with contents. Height 97 mm x diameter 53 mm, weight 172.70g. Inscribed: 'PHENOBARBITONE. B.P./.../WRIGHT. LAYMAN & UMNEY. LTD./ Southwark. London. S.E.'. by Wright, Layman & Umney, Ltd., London. English, 1950-1965.

Green glass bottle of phenobarbitone


Bottle of "Luminal" tablets (phenobarbitone), in original polychromatic carton, half full of original contents. Height 83 mm x width 46 mm x depth 26 mm, weight 75g. Inscribed: '100 Tablets of / gr 1/2 (0.1 g.) /"LUMINAL"/TRADE MARK/ ... / BAYER PRODUCTS LTD./Africa House, Kingsway, /LONDON, W.C.2/MADE IN U.S.A./ PACKAGED IN GREAT BRITAIN/ .../ Phenobarbitone B.P.'. Supplied by Bayer Products Ltd., London, made in U.S.A, packed in Great Britain. English, 1950-1960.

Bottle of 'Luminal' tablets in original carton


Glass bottle containing Veriloid VP tablets, (phenobarbitone), half full of tablets. Height 58 mm x diameter 26 mm, weight 27g. Inscribed: '.../100 TABLETS OF/VERILOID-VP/.../(VERILOID WITH PHENOBARBITONE)/...VP/PHENOBARBITONE B.P./POISON/RIKER LABORATORIES, LTD./NOTTINGHAM ENGLAND...'. Prepared by Riker Laboratories, Nottingham. English, 1940-1960.

Bottle of 'Veriloid - VP' tablets
