On Display
Object type
Photo album with decorated front cover, ca. 1900.

Photo album with decorated front cover, ca. 1900.

circa 1900

Album of prints of slides from Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories reports 1-4, Second Review and prospectus

Album of prints of slides from Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories reports 1-4

[Photograph album / Petrochemicals Ltd. The album contains photographs of the construction and equipment of Petrochemicals Ltd first polystyrene plant at Carrington, as started 15-10-50]

Photograph album, Petrochemicals Ltd.


[Photograph album] Presented to Field Marshall Viscount French of Ypres as a memento of His Lordship's visit to Olympia, Leeds October 27 1916 / Blackburn Aeroplane and Motor Company Limited. [25 photos on 13 leaves, the first being of a sketch of an aerial view, the rest being external and internal views, of the works of the Blackburn Company]

Photograph album Presented to Field Marshall Viscount French of Ypres as a memento of His Lordship's visit to Olympia


[Photograph album re the Daily Graphic Plastics Exhibition, in association with the British Plastics Federation, held 7-28 Nov. 1946 at Dorland Hall, Lower Regent St, London. 46 photos, 24 leaves bound. Includes photos of Queen Mary visiting the exhibition]

Photograph album re the Daily Graphic Plastics Exhibition


[Album of photographs re Rockingham Gas Works and Bonners Green Alkali Works. Comprises 78 photographs showing construction of the works and the completed plant]

Album of photographs re Rockingham Gas Works and Bonners Green Alkali Works


Technical snaps of Maracaibo and oil fields, U.S. of Venezuela, S. America : also of Lancs., Northants & home. [Album of ca.200 captioned photographs of oil-drilling work in Venezuela (including refineries, gas plant, power station) and two plans; ca.35 photos of 'Boring & cementation work, Lancs. & Northants', '132K.V. Electrical Grid Scheme [in] N.W.England', 'Geological Excursions Edinburgh University' etc. Compiled by Scottish? cartographer for the Shell Oil Company. With 8p ts. account of his journey to, and first weeks in Venezuela in 1926; 3p ms. 'Description of Distilling Plant' following 'Visit to Curacao Refinery 16/6/27'; 4 postcards re Trinidadian oilfields; 2 postcards re Shap Pink Granite Quarry. 7 oilfield plans are shelved at MSL 105 (see below)]

Technical snaps of Maracaibo and oil fields


Photographs showing a few of our Trophies, and where the famous Star cars are manufactured / Star Engineering Co. Ltd. [Album, ca.1912, of 31 photographs, including views of the constituent departments of the Works in Wolverhampton]

Photographs showing a few of our Trophies

circa 1912

[Album of photos of Renard road trains. ca.1907-1919. Comprises photos of War Office trials at Aldershot in 1907; trains at the Franco-British exhibition in London in 1908; trains used by the French government for military manoeuvres; trains for the Argentine and Ottoman governments and for Queensland, California and India; petrol engines, etc. With three envelopes of loose photos. The original album has been dismantled and the photos kept in plastic sleeves in ring binder]

Album of photos of Renard road trains


Kabeldampfer 'Neptun' / Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke A.G., Nordenham. [ca.1925. Album of 18 photos of exterior and interior of cable-laying ship 'Neptun' of the Nordenham-based company. Prefaced by page of ship's dimensions]

Kabeldampfer 'Neptun' / Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke A.G.

circa 1925

A photo album produced by C.W. Glover & Partners. The album contains a large number of photographs showing projects which C.W. Glover and Partners had been involved in during the period prior to 1944. These include the Shropshire Sugar Beat factory, the Leeds Synagogue and the British Lion Sound Stage at Beaconsfield and represent a large range of different types of construction, from industrial to acoustic.. Also included is an information booklet produced by Central Airports Ltd giving information about a proposed airport above Kings Cross and St Pancras stations. 1944 [MS/2206]

Photo album entitled 'Some Examples of Engineering and Architectural Works' produced by C.W. Glover & Partners.


[Products of the Gutta Percha Company. Photograph album illustrating a range of products manufactured from Gutta Percha, including photographs of native pieces, samples of western mouldings, and a photograph of the works destroyed by fire on 5 June 1853. 23 photos on 22 leaves]

Photograph album illustrating a range of products manufactured from Gutta Percha


[Album (ca.1920) of photographs of commercial vehicles. 32 photographs of taxis, delivery vans, charabancs and buses in the East Anglia area. Some photos are blind-stamped 'Boughtons, Lowestoft', some are stamped 'Raoul Moore, Norwich'. One depicts charabanc with body built by H.E. Taylor & Co. , Cringleford near Norwich. With 12 loose photos purchased with the album, of which 9 are also stamped 'Raoul Moore']

Album (ca.1920) of photographs of commercial vehicles. 32 photographs of taxis

circa 1920

[Photograph album / L.C. Whittley. 1925 Jan-1926 Jan. The album contains photographs taken by Whittley in Bombay, Shillong, Assam, Calcutta and Nichuguard whilst in the employ of S. Pearson and Son Ltd. 77 photos on 24 leaves]

Photograph album / L.C. Whittley. 1925 Jan-1926 Jan. The album contains photographs taken by Whittley in Bombay


[Album (ca.1910) of photographs of American industrial washing-machines, comprising 32 photographs of machines manufactured by Royal Machine Co. and Henrici Washer Co. of Boston, Massachusetts. With letter of endorsement of 1909 Mar written to W.A.E. Henrici pp. the Breslin Hotel Company]

Album (ca.1910) of photographs of American industrial washing-machines

circa 1910

[Commemorative photograph album, 1936, re] The Steam Engineering Exhibition held in Tokyo for Celebration of the Bi-Centenary of James Watt's Birth / World Power Conference. Japanese National Committee. [The exhibition sought to celebrate Watt's bicentenary and raise interest in science and industry. Exhibits were split into three divisions, on Watt and his works, on the development of steam engineering in Japan, and on model works and studies by schoolchildren and college students. Each (of ca.130) photos is captioned; there are also several pages of explanatory text. Album has raised motif of Watt and of a steam engine on the front cover]

Commemorative photograph album


Cornish Engines at Kew Bridge Works [photo album] / Metropolitan Water Board. [Album of 27 photographs of the Cornish engines at Kew Bridge Pumping Station, prefaced by article from 'Engineering' 1946 May 31 re Cornish Engines Preservation Society which includes historical information on the engines]

Cornish Engines at Kew Bridge Works photo album


[Photo album (1920s) re Ransomes & Rapier Ltd., Waterside Works, Ipswich. A photographic record of various departments within the Ransomes and Rapier works with brief manuscript descriptions of the shops and their contents. 21 photos on 19 leaves]

Photo album (1920s) re Ransomes & Rapier Ltd.


Evolution of Passenger-Carrying Road Transport / [Thomas Tilling Limited. 99 photographs of exterior and interior views of omnibuses 1901-33, employees of Thomas Tilling Ltd. 1893-1932. First photo is of R.S. Tilling driving horse-drawn 'bus in 1869. Several photos show omnibus body construction]

Evolution of Passenger-Carrying Road Transport

circa 1933

[Photo album: William Whiteley & Sons Ltd, Prospect Iron Works, Huddersfield. ca.1905. Contains 331 photos chiefly of large electrical and mechanical engineering equipment made by the company]

Photo album: William Whiteley & Sons Ltd

circa 1905

[Photo album containing 59 photos re industrial archeology (Cornish mining, watermills), Croydon Airport, etc. Compiled by John Rogers, chiefly 1920s, although a few photos appear to be much later]

Photo album containing 59 photos re industrial archeology


[Photograph album (1933): 'Dictograph Telephones Ltd. : The Dictograph Telephone. Touch a key - and Speak'. 50 photos on 43 leaves depicting equipment and business premises etc. where installed]

Photograph album: 'Dictograph Telephones Ltd.: The Dictograph Telephone. Touch a key - and Speak'


[Photo album of the work and products of the James Cycle Co. Ltd. 1940s. 150 b & w photos on 81 leaves. Includes portrait photos of company founder Harry James, and engineer and later managing director Frank Kimberley (who was with the company over 50 years); photos of bicycles and (chiefly) motorcycles (the earliest being 1900) including advertising illustrations and manual assembly; interior views of works and workshop practices; wartime activity, including manufacture of aeroplane parts and shell and bomb casings (and female operatives); record photos of motorcycles exported to the US and their marketing by distributors S.H. Lynch & Co., New Orleans, ca. 1946]

Photograph album


Album of 'Photographs of steam engines in Cornwall taken by Capt. R.S. Alston (b.1875-d.1938) of Bristol between world wars I and II. The information [captions] has been provided by Mr. W. Kendall Andrew of St. Austell.' [292 b&w photos: internal and external views of mines and mine workings and machinery in addition to the engines. The album was 'compiled by Mr. Arthur Stowers, past president and member of council of the Newcomen Society']

Album of photographs of steam engines in Cornwall taken by Capt. R.S. Alston


Early B.V.C. Photographs. [Photo album produced by the British Vacuum Cleaner Co. Ltd. including photos of early appliances, the factory, vacuums in use, famous places cleaned by BVC, and a post card of the 1921 works outing charabanc. 1920s]

Early British Vacuum Cleaner Company Photographs


Album of b & w photos (20) of 'illustrations and drawings of the four first steam engines in Holland'. They include details of workings of these engines (and others) and of locations of installation. Some of the photographed drawings are original Boulton & Watt drawings.

Album of black and white photographs, steam engines in Holland

circa 1930

Album of prints of slides from Gebel Moya excavations and first Zeppelin raid on London

Album of prints of slides from Gebel Moya excavations and first Zeppelin raid on London

[Album of photographs showing construction work on the Great Western Railway 1904-1906, Includes views of St. German's Viaduct, Notter Viaduct, Forder Viaduct, and cuttings, tunnels and bridges. 51 photos on 10 leaves]

Construction Work on the GWR 1904-1906 (supplied title)


[Album, ca.1908, of photographs re Rangoon Electric Tramway & Supply Co] / R.E.T. & S. Co. Ltd. [67 photos showing construction and fitting out of the tramway, including interior views of the power station and its turbines etc. Some photos bear stamp 'Watts & Skeen, Rangoon'; three are dated 1908 March 16]

Rangoon Electric Tramway & Supply Co. Ltd. photographs

circa 1908