On Display
Object type

Pill box used for storing quinine pill labels

Pill box for Brockedon's patent pills

Wooden pill box

Turned boxwood pill box


Wooden pill box

Wooden pill box in six sections


Pill box, silver, for dispensing one pill at a time


Bone pill box

Empty wooden pill box

wood pill box

Wooden lid from a pill box

Wooden pill box


Silver pill box


Siver pill box

Wooden pill box

C20 leatherette pill box


Small boxwood pill box

Silver pill


Silver pill

Wooden pill box, probably European, 1850-1920


Pill box containing labels for spermaceti ointment

Empty pill box for colocynth compound pills

Wooden lid from a pill box

Wooden base from a pill box

Pill box for ergot(?) pills, supplied by L. d'Emil

Wooden pill box

Box of zinc phosphide pills, by Allen and Hanburys Ltd., London

Box of zinc phosphide pills

Boxwood pill boxes

Boxwood pill boxes

Empty pill box, supplied by Savory and Moore Ltd., English

Empty pill box

Pill box containing labels for rhubarb pills, used by R.S. Dampney, London

Pill box containing labels for rhubarb pills

Pill box containing caffeine powder prepared by H.A.Jenner, English, 1891 to 1930

Pill box containing caffeine powder prepared by H.A.Jenner


Rectangular tin pill box with 9 compartments containing black spherical pills of differing sizes, owned by Sir Patrick Manson, probably English, 1860-1900

Rectangular tin pill box with 9 compartments containing black spherical pills of differing sizes


Pill box for liver pills, by N.F. Tyler, English

Pill box for liver pills, by N.F. Tyler, English

Pill box for little liver pills, by N.F. Tyler, English

Pill box for little liver pills

Pill box containing cinnamon and quinine capsules

Pill box containing cinnamon and quinine capsules

Circular card pill box containing quinine manufactured in South America, probably 1880

Circular card pill box containing quinine manufactured in South America


9 suppositories in round pill box, English, 2nd half of 19th century

9 suppositories in round pill box


7 small round card boxes for pills, empty, English, 1850-1900

7 small round card boxes for pills, empty, English, 1850-1900


Five compartment labelled pill box, used for various pills, English, 1880-1920

Five compartment labelled pill box


Twelve pill boxes, possibly late 19th century

Twelve pill boxes, possibly late 19th century


Wooden pill box for mercuric compound and mercuric chloride pills

Wooden pill box for mercuric compound and mercuric chloride pills

Pill box of extract of cascara capsules, by Allen and Hanburys Ltd., London, 1920-1940

Pill box of extract of cascara capsules


Pill boxes, 3, of extract of cascara capsules, by Allen and Hanburys Ltd., London, 1930-1965

Pill boxes


Pill box of extract of cascara capsules, by Allen and Hanburys Ltd., London, 1930-1960

Pill box of extract of cascara capsules


Pill box containing unidentified pills, by Savory and Moore, 29 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, London, England.

Pill box containing unidentified pills

Pill box containing labels for boracic ointment, used by R. S. Dampney, 87 Abingdon Road, Kensington, London, England.

Pill box containing labels for boracic ointment

Pill box used for storing labels for 'Black' Liver pills, used by R. S. Dampney, 87 Abingdon Road and 70 Warwick Road, London, England.

Pill box used for storing labels for 'Black' Liver pills

Two pill boxes containing cascara pills, by Savory and Moore, 29 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, London, England.

Two pill boxes containing cascara pills

Pill box containing unidentified pills, by Savory and Moore, 29 Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, London, SW1, England.

Pill box containing unidentified pills

Pill box containing unidentified drug, by Savory and Moore Ltd., English

Pill box containing unidentified drug