Two brass pillars, threaded ends, one with single butterfly screw 4 1/2" long, one with 2 butterfly screws and 4 points, 3 1/2" long. Two brass pillars
Pair of carved wooden pillars with representation of deity, said to be from Indian pharmacy, Indian, 1701-1900 Pair of pillars with representation of deity, from pharmacy 1701-1900
Ornate brass pillar from entrance to Lhasa Medical College, Buddhist medical school, and detachable finial. Acquired with A134267 by Younghusband expedition in 1904 and passed on to Bombay Oriental Art Museum, from where they were transferred to the Wellcome Museum in 1934, through Captain Johnston-Saint. See note. Ornate pillar from entrance to Buddhist medical school 1800-1904
Circular pillar with fulcrum and bridge foot base Circular pillar with fulcrum and bridge foot base 1761
Ornate brass pillar from entrance to Lhasa Medical College, Buddhist medical school, and detachable finial (finial may be separately catalogued as A602364?). Acquired with A134268 by Younghusband expedition in 1904 and passed on to Bombay Oriental Art Museum, from where they were transferred to the Wellcome Museum in 1934, through Captain Johnston-Saint. See note. Ornate pillar from entrance to Buddhist medical school 1800-1904
Two mahogany pillars, each with brass bracket foot, one with brass pin, with mahogany flynuts at top; with mahogany crosspiece with brass pulley wheel in centre Two mahogany pillars 1761