Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture-Mill, 2 roll, 5" diameter, 1940, fitted with Crompton Parkinson 3HP electric motor, no. 618698, and FLP starter Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture-Mill 1940
Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture- Polishing Press, 15 daylights 24"x20", steam heated platform, 1948 Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture- Polishing Press 1948
Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture- Burroughs slicing machine, serial no.SR 6686 42576, Job no.11854, made by the Burroughs Co., Builders, Newark N.J. USA in 1931 Pilot plant for celluloud manufacture- Burroughs slicing machine 1931
Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture- single ram press, hard rubber class G. serial no. 7077, 1933, with block Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture- single ram press 1933
Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture - Baker-Perkins 2-batch 16"x16" trough mixer, machine no.40230, 1937 Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture - Baker-Perkins 2-batch 16"x16" trough mixer 1937
Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture-mixing mill, size 4, made by Baker-Perkins Ltd. Engineers, London and Peterborough in 1944, serial no.7/389422, ref.no.45585 BP A50. Fitted with O.5 H.P. Crompton Parkinson electric motor, serial no.SM-824 G F4780, driving through Crofts reducing gear, reduction 1435 to 150, serial no. ME. 1. 293545 Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture-mixing mill 1944
Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture-Block Press size 8, 12" square platen, 7" ram no. 5643 working load 38 tons, made in 1948 by Tangyes Ltd. Birmingham Pilot plant for celluloid manufacture-Block Press size 8 1948