Object type
Ring Nebula in Lyra, 1899, July 14, R.A., 18h. 48m. Decl, 32 degree 51' exposure, 10 min, taken with the Crossley reflector of the Lick Observatory

Ring Nebula in Lyra

1899; 1912

Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 10", "The Owl" Planetary Nebula in Ursa Major ( M97), 60" Telescope Mt. Wilson

Positive transparency on film


Photograph of the Ring Nebula in the constellation of Lyra (M57), taken by Isaac Roberts using a twin telescope (20-inch reflector & 7-inch refractor) by Howard Grubb of Dublin. Taken with an exposure of 60 minutes on 14th July 1887 at his observatory & home at Maghull, near Liverpool.

Photograph of the Ring Nebula in the constellation of Lyra (M57)


Positive transparency on film, size 10" x 12", Dumb-bell Nebula in Vulpecula (M27) Galactic, 200" Hale Telescope Mt. Palomar, in colour

Positive transparency on film


Photograph of a pastel drawing of the Ring Nebula (M57) in Lyra from observations by Prof. E.S. Holden, dated Oct 25th 1875, using telescopes of the United States Naval Observatory at Foggy Bottom, Washington, DC.

Photograph of a pastel drawing of the Ring Nebula in Lyra


Glass positive:- annular Nebula in Lyra, N.G.C.6720, R.A., 18h 48m decl, +32 degrees 51', J.S. Plaskett, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B.C., 72-inch reflector, focal length, 30ft exposure, 25 min, 8" x 10"

Glass positive:- annular Nebula in Lyra


Photograph of the Dumb-bell Nebula (M27), taken by Isaac Roberts using a twin telescope (20-inch reflector & 7-inch refractor) by Howard Grubb of Dublin. Taken with an exposure of 3 hours on 3rd October 1888 at his observatory & home at Maghull, near Liverpool.

Photograph of the Dumb-bell Nebula (M27)