Four stage planing machine for wood, type 132 BM, c. 1918, made by F A Wood, Boston, USA Four stage planing machine for wood 1918
Planing machine. Worked by flat belt main drive lathe moved by gear and rack. Planing machine. Worked by flat belt main drive lathe moved by gear and rack
Small planing machine, moving table, uprights to hold tool host. Hand operated: turned by four armed wheel. Mounted on a stand to bring it up to working height. Manufacturer unknown Cunliffe and Croom hand planing machine
Planing machine for hand or power with mangle motion, by Nasmyth Gaskell & Co., Manchester, 1857 James Nasmyth's Planing Machine for Hand or Power 1857
Planing machine made by Cunliffe and Croom. The open ribbed bed with flat shears is hand driven by rack and pinion. The bed is mounted on the legs. Planing machine