Object type

Eight Bookform Darkslide Holders

Plate Holder for Verascope Camera

With 4x5 double dark slide

Photographic Plate Holder


Box of Three Plateholders 4.75x6.5 inches


Brass Adaptor for Daguerreotype Developing Box

Plate Holder for Voigtlander Petzval Camera


Plate holder and Shutter


Bellows plate camera with plate holder


Dark Slide Holder


Dark Slide for Ottewills Changing Box

Wet Collodion Plate Holder


Daguerreotype camera with plate holder made by Alphonse Giroux, 1839.

Daguerreotype camera with plate holder made by Alphonse Giroux


Six darkslides with a fitted leatherette case for Adams & Co. Vesta, two plate adpators, a bookform darkslide holder, and a plate enclosed in a leather case with strap. In side the case, the label reads "The Westminster Photographic Exchange Ltd."

Darkslides and Accessories

Galvanised folding plate holder for 12 plates 3.25" x 4 1/4", or 3 1/4" square

The Champion plate holder

Wooden plate holder, made by Houghton's - also known as Houghton's Envelope plate or film adaptor. The device is for use with quarter-plate film or plates packed in blackpaper envelopes. Also has built-in celluloid focusing screen and viewing hood, collap

Wooden plate holder

Collection of 10 boxes containing mixed plate holders

Collection of plate holder

Wooden plate holder with metal hinges, for two different sizes of plates, for a whole plate folding daguerreotype camera, by Charles Chevalier.

Plate holder for whole plate folding daguerreotype camera

Two push pull changing backs for cut films 107 x 45mm, automatic exposure counters. One filmpack adaptor. One back for single metal darkslides. Purse with six single metal darkslides number 6-12.

Backs and Plate Holders for Voigtlander Stereo Camera with Case

Single plate holder for wet plates 3 1/4 x 6 3/4 inches. Silver wire corners to recessed interior. Brass spring on hinged back. Darkslide with brass hinges. No.III scratched on slide. Silver stains.

Wet-plate Holder for Stereo Camera

Wet plate holder for 8x5 inch plates; side loading camera.

Wet Plate Holder

Two whole plate dark slides. Mahogany double dark slides whole plate size.

Two whole plate dark slides

Agfa, Germany. Folding camera for 6.5 x 9cm plates. Agfa Anastigmat lens F:10.5cm, f/4.5-36, No 243909. Two blade shutter 2/5/25/50/100/B/T. Lens and shutter in helical focusing mount. Brilliant refelcting rotating finder, folding wire frame finder (front frame missing). Ground glass focusing screen withhood. With four single metal darkslides.

Agfa Standard plate camera and plate holders


Ebonite container approximately 6cm square, 10cm high. Each face fitted with dark slide, external with 2.5cm square glazed exposing apertures. Lid held on by screwed 4 armed clamp. 2.5x7.5cm glass plates held away from side by silver pins; retained by ebonite 'springs'.

Plate holder for Piazzi Smyth camera


Wooden bookform holder for single 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch plates. Rear half contains spring loaded steel plate with two unions, one fitted with T stopper and the other threaded for pap (missing), Chamios leather gasket separates Lippman plate from steel plate and provides seal for mercury. front held with recess for plate, darkslide etc. Very similar to Penrose version.

Lippman process plate-holder


For up to 12" plates; rolltop darkslide.

Plate holder for Hunter-Penrose process plate camera

Camera Plate Holder, made of black metal. Maker nit known.

Camera Plate Holder

Wet plate holder for 7.25x5.5 inch plates; top loading camera.

Wet Plate Holder

Wet plate holder for 12x12" plates.

Wet Plate Holder

In original carton, with 12 combination film and plate holders. See 1990-5036/4757.

Accessory Back For Kodak Medalist Camera