Garden horizontal sundial by Wm. Deane, London, 1718. Ornamental fixed gnomon for latitude 51 degrees. 13 3/4" octagonal bronze on 18" octagonal marble base detached from original pedestal. Garden horizontal sundial by Wm. Deane 1718
Horizontal sundial signed F. Barker and Son, Scientific Instrument Makers LONDON E.C., gnomon set for latitude 33 deg. 13 min, engraved with tables of data for the equation of time, estimated date 1850-1899. Horizontal sundial signed F. Barker and Son 1850-1899
Horizontal sundial in brass dated 1624 and marked with conventional and Italian hours. Astronomical hours crudely engraved on the underside, lunar volvelle replaced and gnomon missing Horizontal sundial in brass dated 1624 and marked with conventional and Italian hours 1624
Sun-dial, brass, hexagonal hour plate, Gnomon for lat 52 degrees, date shown by crystogram in a latin inscription to be 1746 Sun-dial, brass, hexagonal hour plate 1746