Shallow rectangular leatherette covered homeopathic pocket dispensary containing 36 phials of homeopathic medicines, prepared by M. Headland, London, English, 1880-1920 Homeopathic pocket dispensary containing 36 phials of homeopathic medicines
Black leather folding dipensary case for homeopathic medicines, red lining, 56 labelled glass bottles (4 missing), each glass bottle in a numbered cuff, Carl Otte, maker, Hamburg, German, 1851-1900 Black leather folding dipensary case for homeopathic medicines 1851-1900
Pocket dispensary containing 6 tubes of tablets, by Parke, Davis and Co. Inc., 111 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC, England. Pocket dispensary containing 6 tubes of tablets
Pocket dispensary, leather pouch containing 13 bottles, made by Burroughs Wellcome and Co. , London, English, 1880-1920 Pocket dispensary 1880-1920
Silver, gilt lined medicine case, with 6 empty hinged compartments for medicines, hallmarked in Birmingham, by E.J., English, 1835 Silver medicine case 1835
Pocket dispensary, wood frame with red leatherette covering, hinged with compartments in lid and twelve compartments in base holding in total 12 glass drug phials, 11 labelled, English, 1865-1925 Pocket dispensary 1865-1925
Pocket dispensary, small leather case with metal stud fastening containing 9 glass phials of substances, possibly used in dentistry, 4 labelled,, English, 1880-1900 Pocket dispensary 1880-1900
Pocket dispensary, wood and leatherette wallet holding 4 glass stoppered phials (1 labelled), measuring flask, English (?), 1865-1910 Pocket dispensary 1865-1910
Pocket medicine case, holding 4 rectangular bottles, stoppered, three cylindrical bone screw top vessels, 1 small measuring cylinder, English, 1830-1860 Pocket medicine case, holding 4 rectangular bottles, stoppered, three cylindrical bone screw top vessels, 1 small measuring cylinder, English, 1830-1860 Pocket medicine case 1830-1860
Pocket dispensary, composed of 20 small bottles, three of which contain insects and one larger bottle in folding leatherette case Pocket dispensary
Pocket dispensary containing tubes of anti-seasickness pills and instructions, by Charles Chanteaud Institut Dosimetrique de Paris, 54 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, Paris, France. Pocket dispensary containing tubes of anti-seasickness pills and instructions
Plated silver medicine case, with flap inside lid and 4 compartments in base, engraved with lion holding a shield Plated silver medicine case
Homeopathic pocket dispensary, small rectangular black leatherette case, lined with pink silk and velvet, containing 50 labelled glass phials of pilules, supplied by James Epps, London, English, 1880-1920 Homeopathic pocket dispensary
Pocket dispensary for homeopathic remedies, green simulated leather stamped with gold, curved to fit pocket, in 3 sections, with lid and containing 52 small phials, some with pillales, 46 labelled, 1801-1850, English Pocket dispensary for homeopathic remedies 1801-1850
Red shagreen homeopathic pocket dispensary, wallet which folds into rectangular bag, contains 6 glass bottles, two small phials (1 labelled) and a wooden pestle(?), made in Paris, France, 1851-1900 Red shagreen homeopathic pocket dispensary 1851-1900
Black leather homeopathic medicine chest, in two parts, blue velvet lining, rectangular, each part folds into two halves with flaps at ends, compartments with 30 small labelled bottles, English, 1840-1900 Black leather homeopathic medicine chest 1840-1900
Small rectangular folding leather case, pocket dispensary containing 4 bottles, lancet and tweezers, made in France, 19th century Small rectangular folding leather case 1801-1900
Pocket dispensary, folding leather wallet, twin compartments containing in total ten labelled phials of tabletted drugs and one loose cork, prepared by Parke, Davis and Co., London, English, 1895-1940 Pocket dispensary 1895-1940
Homeopathic pocket dispensary, rectangular leather case with fold down flap, containing 2 labelled glass bottles and a leather bound book by Dr. Bigel (abridged by J.B. Balliere) of homeopathic remedies, possibly owned by Mrs. Percy Spurgin, supplied by Pressly and Taylor, London, English, 1830-1850 Homeopathic pocket dispensary
Cardboard pocket dispensary in the form of a book, rectangular box with hinged lid, green leather covering, containing 73 tiny phials (most labelled) in their own compartments, case fits into slip case with floral decoration, Innsbruck, Austrian, 1780-1840 Cardboard pocket dispensary in the form of a book 1780-1840
Pocket dispensary with metal tabs for various drugs (including morphine and opium), tinned steel, with traces remaining. 67 mm x 87 mm x 17 mm, 116 g. Unknown maker, English, 1880-1920. Tin steel pocket dispendary 1880-1920