Catalan collection of semi-regular polyhedra:dual of a cuboctahedron(originally rhomboidal dodecahedron), in plaster Dual of Cuboctahedron 1876
Catalan collection of semi-regular polyhedra: truncated cuboctahedron (originally icohexahedron), in plaster Truncated Cuboctahedron 1876
Catalan collection of semi-regular polyhedra: dual of a snub cube (originally icotetrahedron), in plaster Dual of a Snub Cube 1876
Selection of models showing the five regular Platonic solids:- tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron, 1937. Selection of models showing the five regular Platonic solids:- tetrahedron 1937
Catalan collection of semi-regular polyhedra: (originally icohexahedron), in plaster Icohexahedron 1876