“A brief description of the photogenic drawings exhibited at the meeting of the British Association at Birmingham" 1839
Examples of questionnaires and supporting documentation used in the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles in 1990, by St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, University College London Medical School and Social and Community Planning Research, funded by the Wellcome Trust. Long questionnaire, short questionnaire, P.1110 booklets for men and women, project instructions, helplines info sheet, ARF extension sheet, address record form, letter, letter to parent or guardian, booklet of cards, general information leaflet Questionnaires and supporting document
Advertisement for classes in early photography, lead by Nicolaas Henneman, using William Henry Fox Talbot's photographic process, and photographic lenses made by Andrew Ross. The classes were to held at 'The Photographic Institution of the Royal Panopticon of Science and Art, Leicester Square', after 1851 The Photographic Institution of the Royal Panopticon of Science and Art. Leicester Square after 1851
Small illustrated booklet entitled "Passive Smoking - Questions and Answers", issued by the Health Education Authority, London, 1991 "Passive Smoking - Questions and Answers" 1991
A label for, 'Iodised Paper for the Patent Talbotype or Sun Pictures … Mr B Cowderoy, Reading', c. 1845 Iodised Paper for the Patent Talbotype or Sun Pictures circa 1845
A notice to purchasers for, 'Iodised Paper for Making Sun Pictures Prepared by N Henneman, Russell Terrace, Reading (otherwise known as the Reading establishment). Inscribed, signed and dated by Nicolaas Henneman, 1846 By Royal Letters Patent. Iodised Paper for Making Sun Pictures 1846
Poster used in the first field trials of synthetic peptide malaria vaccine SPf66, developed by Dr Patarroyo and collaborators, Bogota, Colombia, 1987-1990 Poster used in the first field trials of synthetic peptide malaria vaccine SPf66 1987-1990