Main components of Naval Radar type 293Q, c. 1945 but including display JCB1P of later date Main components of Naval Radar type 293Q 1945
Cossor secondary surveillance radar, type SSR5G, s/n 001, c. 1963 Cossor secondary surveillance radar 1963
'Homer' and 'Heron' direction finding equipment and compass equipment consisting of:- 1) Receiver, 2) S.W. Converter, 3) Headphones, 4) " Heron" D/F aerial and compass, used on the Gipsy Moth IV by Sir Francis Chichester, by Brookes and Gatehouse Limited, England, 1965-1966 'Homer' direction finding equipment and compass 1965-1966
Circular Radar Reflector Dish made of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Glass Fibre. on Wooden Base. Circular Radar Reflector Dish
Oscillator type number 37, probably used no earlier than 1941, as a signal source to test the Chain Home receivers. Radar oscillator used to test Chain Home receivers circa 1941
Decca ASMI (Airport Surface Movement Indicating Radar) used at Heathrow from 1967-1989. The object was used to give air-traffic controllers a high-definition picture of the entire airfield. The object was situated on top of the control tower. By giving controllers a pin-point picture of the airfield, including even individual aircraft and vehicles, the airfield could operate in darkness and fog. The high resolution resulted from the very short wavelength used- 8mm. ASMI (Airport Surface Movement Indicating Radar) used at Heathrow airport 1967