Object type

Record card for recording patients clinical details

Record cards, paper and card, repair, record and history cards fro various LNER A1 Pacific locomotives. The cards are as follows: 4479 Robert the Devil - 2 Doncaster Engine Repair Cards; 2577 Night Hawk - Record of Locomotives form (CME's Office); 2501 Colombo - Record of Locomotives form (CME's Office); 60090 Grand Parade - BR Engine History Card; 60043 Brown Jack - BR Engine History Card; 60035 Windsor Lad - BR Engine History Card; 4477 Gay Crusader - 3 Doncaster Engine Repair Cards.

LNER and BR A1 locomotive repair, record and history cards

circa 1920- circa 1959

Engine Record Cards, for British Railways Standard Class 4 2-6-4T locomotives, Nos 80011, 80018, 80019, 80150, 80154, built by Brighton Works for British Railways, Southern Region, 1951; 1956; 1957.

BR engine record cards


Record cards, card, BR(SR) DC and AC EMU record cards, circa 1955 to 1992. 222 sets of record cards recording repairs, alterations, maintenance etc. of former Southern Railway DC EMUs now scrapped and later AC electric units. The cards were initially begun by British Railways (Southern Region) and British Rail (Southern Region) before passing to Eversholt Leasing at privatisation and subsequently HSBC Rail (UK) Ltd. The sets consist of numerous cards stapled together, but they may not reflect the whole repair history, as maintenance was later logged electronically. Most of the cards cover whole units, but there are some for individual vehicles. Classes represented include: Class 415/1 (4 EPB, early examples built by BR based on SR construction including class pioneer 5001); 415/4 (refurbished 4EPB stock of Southern design from 1980 numbered in the 54xx series); Class 413/2 & 3 (4CAP BR-built units converted in 1982 by combining 2 x 2-HAP units together); Class 302 (AC units, AM2 pre-TOPS); Class 310 (AC units, AM10 pre-TOPS, built for the West Coast Main Line but later operated on the London Tilbury & Southend service). List of unit numbers available. Currently in 3 boxes

BR(SR) DC and AC EMU record cards

circa 1955-circa 1992

Record cards, card, BR(SR) DC EMU record cards, circa 1955 to 1992. 82 sets of record cards recording repairs, alterations, maintenance etc. of former Southern Railway DC EMUs now scrapped. The cards initially begun by Southern Railway (Chief Electrical Engineers Department) and were continued by British Railways (Southern Region) and British Rail (Southern Region) before passing to Eversholt Leasing at privatisation and subsequently HSBC Rail (UK) Ltd. The sets consist of numerous cards stapled together, but they may not reflect the whole repair history, as maintenance was later logged electronically. Classes represented are: Class 415/6 (4 EPB, partly constructed from former 4 SUB trailers); Class 416/2 (2 EPB, BR designed); Class 416/3 (2 EPB, SR designed and later "facelifted"); Class 416/4 (2 EPB, BR designed and later "facelifted"). List of unit numbers available. In 2 archive boxes.

British Rail: Southern Region (BR(SR)) Direct Current (DC) Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) record cards

circa 1955-1992