Replica of apparatus used by Ohm to prove Ohm's Law

Replica of Coalbrookdale Company Cast Iron Wagon Wheel

Horse drawn Derby plough with wooden beam and handles

Replica of Aerial Top used by Sir George Cayley

Replicas of copper disc

Replica of sailing chart of Marshall Islands Archipelego

Replica of ancient roman file, small

Replica of sensitive alpha-particle electroscope

Replica of slater's rule

Replica of the cuneiform tablet BM 120960

Replica of cuneiform tablet BM K9492

Replica of Davy's apparatus showing rotation of mercury carrying a radial current in the presence of a magnet

Replica of a mechanical telephone repeater

Replica of a Firefly lantern

Piler (replica)

Replica of original Hertz apparatus in Deutsches Museum

Replica of original Hertz apparatus in Deutsches Museum:- tangent galvanometer

Faraday's electrolysis globe, 1834, replica

Full-size replica, Congreve 8 Inch Carcass Rocket

Replica Nuclear Power Station Fuel Assembly

Replica, in wood

Replica in carved wood of Esquimaux map of Storo and other islands off coast of East Greenland

Cubit Stone Measuring Rod
250 BCE; 1931

Replica of Fleming's original oscillation valve

Replica wax writing tablet

Copy of Leeuwenhoek microscope, 1670-1675

Replica of ancient roman small rose countersink

Replica of ancient roman rasp or cross file

Replica of Ancient Roman Scythe Anvil

Replica of Volta's "Crown of Cups"

Replica of original Wheatstone Bridge

Lunar Crater model

One-way plough (replica)

Model of Cross-staff made from drawings and instructions of Capt. Mayes
Replica of Stringfellow's Flying Machine of 1848
Replica of Hargrave's wing-flapping Aeroplane Model
Replica spinning head and drawings for first experimental terylene extruder
Working Replica of the Gauss-Weber
Two replicas of ancient roman drills
Replica of Hargreaves' Spinning Jenny, with spare wooden spindles, original and spare drive cords
Replicas of copper wage tokens: (a) John Wilkinson
Replica of Hull's Dynatron 1916
Replica of W. Siemens' electro-dynamic microphone
Replica of Oersted's apparatus
Replica of Sturgeon's comparing galvanoscope, and components
Replica of Forel's plemyrameter with box of 1873.
1873; 1916-1926
Replica, dew-point hygrometer of Ferdinand II of Medici