[Research papers, compiled by Eugene Gaspard Marin, chiefly re sundials and windmills. The numerous folders are arranged according to Marin's particular classification scheme. 5 boxes. Listing available] Research papers 1901-2000
Collection of research notes of John Hammond for his books on the camera obscura and the camera lucida. Comprise notes and background information relating to Hammond's books on the camera obscura (1981) and the camera lucida (1987, co-written with Jill Austin). They include copies of patents, inventories and biographical information on W.H. Wollaston and Cornelius and John Varley. [Brief listing available] Collection of research notes of John Hammond 1981-1987
[Collection of research notes for books on the camera obscura, the camera lucida, and on mechanical aids for drawing. Comprises articles, illustrations, correspondence etc. re books by Hammond on the camera obscura, the camera lucida (with Jill Austin), and on mechanical aids for drawing (unpublished). Listing available] Collection of research notes for books on the camera obscura circa 1980-1995
Papers re research into torsional vibration. Compiled by E.J. Nestorides, 1940s-80s Papers re research into torsional vibration. Compiled by E.J. Nestorides 1940-1980