Ferranti model DPM199 object

Graham-Farish "megite" resistor

Standard resistor no. 16561 by W.G. Pye & Co. Ltd.

Three Lissen flexible resistors

Lissen wirewound resistor, 100 000 ohms

Edison Bell grid-leak resistors and capacitor


A.C.-D.C. decade resistor

Ferranti 750 ohm wire wound power resistor type F.

Five watt carbon resistor

Graham Farish 100 K resistor with screw terminals

2000 ohm tubular resistor with conical metal ends

Two watt wire wound resistor

Berco heavy-duty wire wound resistor

Otto Wolff four terminal stand

Loewe radio 0.25 megohm 'high vacuum' resistor

Ferranti resistor.

Mains ballast resistor for AC/DC receiver

Eddystone wire wound resistor

Cylindrical wire wound variable resistor

Wire wound interchangeable type resistor

B. J. Hall & Co resistor



Ferranti resistor

Ferranti boxed resistor grid

Resistor for Arc Lamp

Palmer 1500 ohm resistor for use with Palmer colour wheel
circa 1950

Dubilier metallized resistor

Ferranti wirewound power resistor, 300 ohms

RI 25,000-ohm wire wound resistor

James Joule's Standard Resistance Cell
Lamp resistance for Kodascopes A, B, K
Pathex resistor for Pathescope Baby Projector. Pathe
Ferranti resistor
A box of resistors and holders
Cambridge Instrument Company resister
Post Office resistance box
circa 1910
Kodak Resistance for Model K-50, K-75 Kodascopes
Variable resistor
Varley Bi-duplex 50 K wire wound resistor
Glass resistor
Glass resistor, 0-025 Megohm, blue glass envelope
Variable resistor
Resistor, Branly collection
resistor made by Cambridge Instr. Co.