Varicontrol unit for use with electronic respirator to provide control over inspiratory waveform 1970-1979
Electronic respirator, one of two, model 3100 by Roche, Switzerland (?) late 1970's. Electronic respirator 1975-1979
Positive Pressure powered respirator MK5 (to BS 4558 and 4771) Serial No.500658, with battery powered motor fan unit on a waistbelt, by Martindale Protection Limited, Neasden, London, England, 1975-1981 Positive Pressure powered respirator MK5 (to BS 4558 and 4771) Serial No.500658 1975-1981
"Smith-Clarke" underslung rocking bed for aiding respiration, by the Cape Engineering Co. Ltd., Warwick "Smith-Clarke" underslung rocking bed for aiding respiration
Type "X" gas cartridge respirator (to BS 2091), by Martindale Protection Limited, British, 1969 Type "X" gas cartridge respirator (to BS 2091) 1969
Type "X" pneumatic face seal dust respirator (to BS 2091 (1969)) Type "X" pneumatic face seal dust respirator (to BS 2091 (1969))
C6 Civilian Duty respirator, 1936 (in haversack with anti-dim cannister) C6 Civilian Duty respirator 1936
Two disposable dust respirators produced by Martindale Protection Ltd (to BS 2091/A filtration (four)), one sectioned. Two disposable dust respirators
Electronic respirator, one of two, model 3100 by Roche, Switzerland (?) late 1970's. Electronic respirator 1975-1979
General Service Respirator, Mk V, with short hose for chest mounting of filter box, 1942-1945 General Service Respirator 1942-1945
General Service Respirator, Mk V, Stockinette covered with long hose for back mounting and filter box c1941 General Service Respirator