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Kodak Reflex Camera


Two Cartons of Kodak 35mm Safety Film


Eastman Transparent Film for Eastman-Walker Rollholder

Three Rolls of Ilford Colour Film 'D' 35mm Colour Transparency Film in Original Cartons


Packet of Kodak Verichrome Film

circa 1939

Francke and Heidecke. TLR Xenar 75mm f/3.5 No 6561307 taking lens, Heidomat viewing lens. Prontormat-s shutter. Automatic exposure option. No 25054406.

Rollei Magic Camera


Eastman Kodak Co. Twinlens reflex for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4". Kodak Anastigmat lens F:80mm f/3.5 gear coupled to similar viewing lens. Flash Kodamatic shutter. ERC. No 82886.

Kodak Reflex II Camera

Kodak Retina II camera, type 011, 1946-1949. Self-errecting folding camera for 35mm film, 24 x 36mm. Kodak Ektar lens, coated, F:47mm f/2.05-16 No E08736. Compur Rapid shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/250/500B. Direct vision optical finder combined with coincidence type renagefinder coupled to helical lens focusing. Body release. Rotary exposure counter. Accessory shoe. No 108106. Overall (deployed): 85 mm x 124 mm x 88 mm.

Kodak Retina II camera, Type 011, c 1947


Box camera for factory loaded roll film 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch. Bausch and Lomb Rapid Rectalinear lens. Rotating aperture plate with three apertures. Secto4r shutter cocked by string T/I. Rack and pinion focusing 100-5 feet. Two reflecting finders, plug type lens cap. Automatic exposure counter for 100 exposures. No 8385.

No 3 Kodak camera


Packet of Ilford film etc.

Packet of Ilford film etc.

Complete camera flash outfit comprising: Conway Synchronised Cameraam Corporation flashgun and batteries, four flashbulbs, Dufay film and a complete set of instruction books, in original packaging

Conway Synchronised Cameraam Corporation Flashgun Kit

Ensign Cupid camera, c 1926. Patent no 194897, also 207837. Overall (deployed): 130 mm x 114 mm x 87 mm.

Ensign Cupid camera


Rollfilms for Ensign 'Midget' camera c.1934.

Rollfims for Ensign 'Midget' camera
