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Kodak Reflex Camera


Two Cartons of Kodak 35mm Safety Film


Eastman Transparent Film for Eastman-Walker Rollholder

Three Rolls of Ilford Colour Film 'D' 35mm Colour Transparency Film in Original Cartons


Packet of Kodak Verichrome Film

circa 1939

Francke and Heidecke. TLR Xenar 75mm f/3.5 No 6561307 taking lens, Heidomat viewing lens. Prontormat-s shutter. Automatic exposure option. No 25054406.

Rollei Magic Camera


Box camera for factory loaded roll film 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch. Bausch and Lomb Rapid Rectalinear lens. Rotating aperture plate with three apertures. Secto4r shutter cocked by string T/I. Rack and pinion focusing 100-5 feet. Two reflecting finders, plug type lens cap. Automatic exposure counter for 100 exposures. No 8385.

No 3 Kodak camera


Kodak Retina II camera, type 011, 1946-1949. Self-errecting folding camera for 35mm film, 24 x 36mm. Kodak Ektar lens, coated, F:47mm f/2.05-16 No E08736. Compur Rapid shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/250/500B. Direct vision optical finder combined with coincidence type renagefinder coupled to helical lens focusing. Body release. Rotary exposure counter. Accessory shoe. No 108106. Overall (deployed): 85 mm x 124 mm x 88 mm.

Kodak Retina II camera, Type 011, c 1947


Eastman Kodak Co. Twinlens reflex for 620 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4". Kodak Anastigmat lens F:80mm f/3.5 gear coupled to similar viewing lens. Flash Kodamatic shutter. ERC. No 82886.

Kodak Reflex II Camera

Packet of Ilford film etc.

Packet of Ilford film etc.

Complete camera flash outfit comprising: Conway Synchronised Cameraam Corporation flashgun and batteries, four flashbulbs, Dufay film and a complete set of instruction books, in original packaging

Conway Synchronised Cameraam Corporation Flashgun Kit

Rollfilms for Ensign 'Midget' camera c.1934.

Rollfims for Ensign 'Midget' camera


Ensign Cupid camera, c 1926. Patent no 194897, also 207837. Overall (deployed): 130 mm x 114 mm x 87 mm.

Ensign Cupid camera
