On Display
Object type

Ceramic saucer, London & North Eastern Railway


Saucer, ceramic, by Alfred Meakin


saucer, made to commemorate the floating of Railtrack on the London Stock Exchange in 1996


saucer, made to commemorate the floating of Railtrack on the London Stock Exchange in 1996


saucer, made to commemorate the floating of Railtrack on the London Stock Exchange in 1996


Ceramic saucer, London & North Eastern Railway

saucer, made to commemorate the floating of Railtrack on the London Stock Exchange in 1996


saucer, made to commemorate the floating of Railtrack on the London Stock Exchange in 1996


saucer, made to commemorate the floating of Railtrack on the London Stock Exchange in 1996


Earthenware open Saucer with pinch for wick

Painted porcelain saucer


Saucer from Golden Jubilee


Cup and saucer showing early steam vessel


Saucer shaped object


Saucer shaped object


Saucer shaped object



Saucer from Golden Jubilee



Saucer for feeding cup


Saucer, ceramic, by Dudson Brothers, Great North Eastern Railway, white with dark blue rim. Overall: 18 mm x 144 mm.

Ceramic saucer, Great North Eastern Railway


Saucer, ceramic, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels, made by Cauldon Potteries Limited, Stoke-on-Trent; cream, seahorse in blue, marked underneath "LMS HOTELS". Overall: 28 mm x 165 mm, 0.21 kg.

Ceramic saucer, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels

Saucer, ceramic, London Midland & Scottish Railway, white, alternate blue and green bands, marked underneath "L.M.S. HOTELS", 5 3/4" diameter

Ceramic saucer, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels


Saucer, ceramic, Eurostar, white glaze, marked underneath with Eurostar logo, by Royal Doulton.

Ceramic saucer, Eurostar

Saucer, ceramic, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by John Maddock and Sons Limited, Burslem; cream with red and black bands and " GWR" in red diamond, marked underneath "GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY HOTELS", 5" diameter.

Ceramic saucer, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Saucer, ceramic, Great Central Railway - Leicester, made by W T Copeland & Sons, England; white with gold and green bands, green GCR coat of arms with "LEICESTER" below.

Ceramic saucer, Great Central Railway - Leicester

Saucer, white, fluted edge, LNER, good condition

Ceramic saucer, London & North Eastern Railway

Saucer, ceramic, London Brighton & Couth Coast Railway - Littlehampton & Honfleur Traffic, made by W T Copeland & Sons, Stoke-on-Trent; white with blue band, oval motif in centre depicting paddle steamer "LITTLEHAMPTON AND HONFLEUR TRAFFIC".

Ceramic saucer, London Brighton & Couth Coast Railway - Littlehampton & Honfleur Traffic

Saucer, white with pink garland design, Southern Railway, good condition, bearing Charing Cross Monogram and makers mark

Ceramic saucer, Southern Railway - Charing Cross

Saucer, plain pale green stoneware, good condition, bearing makers mark and rail company logo

Ceramic saucer

Saucer, ceramic, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels, made by Cauldon Potteries Limited, Hanley; white with thin gold band, "LMS HOTELS" in laurel wreath on side, marked underneath in red "LM&S HOTELS".

Ceramic saucer, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels

Saucer, ceramic, British Transport Commission Hotels, whispering grass decoration, marked underneath 'BTC Hotels', stamped 'Made in Egland', 1962.

Ceramic saucer, British Transport Commission - Hotels


Saucer, Great Western Railway Temperance Union (Reading Division) Garter, brown ivy pattern, from Linfoot Collection.

Saucer, Great Western Railway - Temperance Union (Reading Division)

Saucer, ceramic, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Gleneagles Hotel, made by Cauldon Potteries Limited, Hanley - "Cauldon China"; white, black and gold decorative border, marked "Gleneagles Hotel".

Ceramic saucer, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Gleneagles Hotel

Saucer, ceramic, by Meakin, London & North Eastern Railway, white with blue garland and gold and blue bands, marked "Meakin Hotel Ware LNER" underneath

Ceramic saucer, London & North Eastern Railway

BR Shipping saucer bearing company logo and makers mark, good condition

Ceramic saucer, British Rail - Shipping

Tea saucer, ceramic, "Wood & Sons Hotelware, H G Stephenson, Manchester", white with gold and green bands and green motif "GREAT CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY" surrounding GCR coat of arms

Ceramic tea saucer, Great Central Railway

Saucer, bone china, British Rail, white with silver rim, BR double arrow logo at centre, Tuscan bone china, made in England, metallised, Wedgwood Group, BS 4034.

Ceramic saucer, British Rail

Saucer, white with gold decoration, poor condition, stamped LNER logo and Wood & Sons (maker)

Ceramic saucer, London & North Eastern Railway

Saucer, ceramic, London Midland & Scottish Railway, Hotels, made by Cauldon Potteries Limited, Stoke-on-Trent; LMS Hotels `Seahorse' pattern, ex Morecambe Midland Hotel.

Saucer, London Midland & Scottish Railway

Coffee saucer, bone china, London & North Eastern Railway, LNER block logo in black, from Hudson House, York. Made by Crown Staffordshire Pottery, 1923-1947. Overall: 21 mm x 129 mm.

Ceramic coffee saucer, London & North Eastern Railway


Tea saucer, Great Western Railway, GWR Hotels full crest, black leaf pattern, from Linfoot Collection.

Ceramic tea saucer, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Saucer, Great Western Railway, unidentified maker; marked GWR, recovered from British Rail Engineering Ltd. Swindon.

Ceramic saucer, Great Western Railway

One saucer, of cup and saucer, Venetian, painted with a balloon ascent and spectators. c.1783.

One saucer, painted with balloon ascent

Saucer for coffee cup, ceramic, Great Central Railway - Grimsby, made by W T Copeland & Sons, Stoke-on-Trent - "Spode"; white with gold edged blue band and blue motif "GREAT CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY" with coat of arms, "GRIMSBY" scroll below.

Ceramic saucer, Great Central Railway - Grimsby

Coffee saucer, ceramic, British Transport Hotel Services, white with gold band around rim, marked underneath 'BTHS', open block logo, no maker's mark.

Ceramic coffee saucer, British Transport Hotel Services


Saucer, ceramic, British Transport Hotel Services, white glaze with gold lining, marked underneath 'BTHS', open block logo, no maker's mark.

Saucer, ceramic, British Transport Hotel Services


Saucer, ceramic Caledonian Steam Packet Company, made by Enoch Wedgwood (Tunstall) Ltd, Tunstall - "Vitrilain"; plain white with blue roundel motif "The Caledonian Steam Packet Company Limited" with lion rampant pennant.

Ceramic saucer, Caledonian Steam Packet Company

Coffee saucer, ceramic, London & North Eastern Railway, white bone china with LNER block logo in black, from Hudson House, York

Ceramic coffee saucer, London & North Eastern Railway

Saucer, ceramic, London & North Eastern Railway, made by Minton, Stoke-on-Trent; grey-green with embossed basket design and 3 silver bands round rim, marked "LNER" underneath.

Ceramic saucer, London & North Eastern Railway