Two mercury sensors, one by G.M. Zeal, one by Weyco (Equipment) Ltd, approximately 350mm long Two mercury sensors 1950-1970
Earth Horizon Sensor plus dummy sun shield as flown on British Ariel 5 satellite Earth Horizon Sensor plus dummy sun shield
Two experimental Skylark attitude sensors (1 moon sensor, 1 sun sensor) Two experimental Skylark attitude sensors
Sun sensors from ESRO II satellite - one off measurement sun sensor, one off logic sun sensor Sun sensors from ESRO II satellite - one off measurement sun sensor
Experimental earth Albedo sensor for X4 satellite, and power supply box, flight spare [possibly made by Royal Aircraft Establishment] Experimental earth Albedo sensor for X4 satellite
Sun sensors from TD1A satellite:- one coarse, one intermediate and one fine single-axis with case Sun sensors from TD1A satellite:- one coarse
IR Horizon scanner plus power supply with box -TD1A satellite IR Horizon Scanner and Power Supply 1972