Large number of bottles of tetanus serum, amber glass, hide caps, lead seals, some in cardboard containers, all in large cardboard box, German, by Behringwerke and Marburg, 1900-1910 Tetanus serum
3 bottles, amber glass, hide caps, lead seals, for "Gas-Oedem serum, by Lucius and Bruning of Hoechst, German, 1900-1910 "Gas-Oedem" serum
2 bottles, clear glass, hide caps, lead seals, in cardboard tubes, with documentation, by Lucius and Bruning of Hoechst-am-Main, German, 1900-1910 Bottle
Container, (typewritten ribbon tin), inside are two phials with dry sera to treat streptococcus and syphillis, container English, 1950-1969 Streptococcus and syphillis sera 1950-1969
Packet containing diphtheria antitoxic serum, supplied by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1923 Packet containing diphtheria antitoxic serum 1923
Anti-diphtheritic serum made by Burroughs Wellcome, Snow Hill buildings, London, English Anti-diphtheritic serum made by Burroughs Wellcome