5 oyster shells owned by Dr. T. Wilson Parry and probably used by him in experiments on neolithic trephination
Single mother of pearl shell, broken, from China(?), 1851 to 1930 Single mother of pearl shell 1851-1930
6 shells, 1 mounted on card with a cut pencil to demonstrate its cutting power, shells possibly also used in trephination experiments by Dr T. Wilson Parry, England, 1913-1920 6 shells
Number of shell (?) fragments, provenance unknown Number of shell (?) fragments, provenance unknown 1830-1920
Gun shell which burst near Sir John Furley, 1872-73 Gun shell which burst near Sir John Furley 1872-1873
2 halves of a shell used as a container for brown sticky ointment for boils and sores, Chinese, 1880-1920 2 halves of a shell used as a container for brown sticky ointment for boils and sores 1880-1920