Shrunken head with clipped hair, acquired in Venezuela in 1936 Shrunken head with clipped hair before 1936
Shrunken head with long hair, decorated with feathers, by Jivaro tribe, Ecuador Shrunken head with long hair before 1928
Shrunken head of child, by Jivaro tribe, Ecuador Shrunken head of child, by Jivaro tribe, Ecuador before 1928
Shrunken head with little remaining hair, by Zaroguro Indians, Ecuador Shrunken head with little remaining hair before 1925
Shrunken head with long hair, decorated with bird's heads, by Jivaro tribe, Ecuador Shrunken Head with Long Hair before 1925
Shrunken head [female?] with plaited hair, decorated with feathers, by Jivaro tribe, Ecuador. Shrunken head with plaited hair before 1929
Shrunken head with long brown hair, by Jivaro tribe, Ecuador Shrunken head with long brown hair before 1926
Shrunken head with short hair, acquired in Venezuela in 1936 Shrunken head with short hair before 1936
Shrunken head with long hair, decorated with beads Shrunken head with long hair, decorated with beads before 1925