Single lens reflex camera for 120 rollfilm 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches or plates. Fitted with a Corfield Lumax lens F: 95mm f/3.5-22 No.2212334, helical focusing. Lens made in West Germany. Three point bayonet mount. Focal plane shutter 10/15/20/30/40/60/75/125/250/500/B. Single knob winds on shutter, drops mirror and works counter. Mirror can be locked in up position. Ground glass focusing screen with detachable hood and magnifier. Rada type rollfilm back. No. AA00277. K G Corfield Limited. 1962 Corfield 66 Reflex Camera 1962
Single lens reflex camera for 1/4 plates; Cooke Aviar lens F:8 1/4", f/4.5, No 70909. In extension mount with long hood, used for portraiture. Fabric focal plane shutter, 1/10-1/1000 sec. Rack focusing. Thornton-Pickard Junior Refelx camera
Folding single lens reflex camera for 9x12cm plates; Zeiss Tessar lens F:15cm f/4.5; no. 617356; Helical focsing; fabric focal plane shutter; 10 slit widths; 6 tensions 1/8-1/1300 sec; in case; no. 44261. Mentor folding reflex camera 1913-1930
Thornton Pickard special reflex camera, single lens for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch plates. Fitted with a Zeiss Tessar lens F:15cm f/4.5-45 No.899332. Fabric focal plane shutter 10/15/25/50/75/100/150/200/300/500/1000/T. External modification for flash synchronisation, two pin socket. Rack and pinion focusing. Sliding, rising and swing front. Reflex focusing screen, folding hood. Thornton Pickard Thornton Pickard special reflex camera
Single lens reflex camera for 4 1/4 x 3 1/4 inch plates. Fitted with a Cooke anastigmat lens F: 5 inches f/4.5-16, No. 89678. Focal plane shutter 10/15/25/50/75/100/150/200/300/500/1000/T. Sliding rising front. Rack and pinion focusing. Reflex focusing screen with hood, removable. Rear ground glass screen (broken) hooded. No. 5. Pat No.6283/12. Thornton Pickard. Thornton Pickard Horizontal Reflex Finder Camera 1930s