Fragment of skin from Thomas Williams, a bodysnatcher executed for murder 5th December 1831. Skin of bodysnatcher Thomas Williams 1831
Fragment of skin from John Bishop, a bodysnatcher executed for murder on 5th December, 1831 Fragment of skin from John Bishop 1831
Fragment of skin of Jeremy Bentham, who was dissected in 1832, in frame Piece of Jeremy Bentham's skin, England, 1832 1832
Sheet of laboratory-grown skin in flask, preserved in formalin, for demonstration purposes, of type used to form skin grafts used to treat leg ulcers, from the Department of Experimental Dermatology, London Hospital Medical College, c.1987 Laboratory-grown skin, c. 1987. 1982-1992
Human skin from one half of male body, probably French, 19th century Human skin from one half of male body 1801-1900
Some pieces of human skin covered with fungus, in glass toppered plywood case, found in St. Martin's Vaults, London, 1859, English, 1601-1840 Some pieces of human skin covered with fungus 1601-1840
Skin from neck of one of brothers hanged for forgery, puckered and marked by rope, with labels, found by F.T. Buckland in vaults of St. Martin in the Fields, 1859, English(?), 1634-1840 Skin from neck of one of brothers hanged for forgery 1634-1840