Object type

Microscope slides containing botanical specimens

Microscope slide, engraving of the Lord's Prayer

Slides in liquid paraffin

Single dark slide for 12" x 10" photographic plates

Slide Box Containing Approx. 33 Stereoscopic Photographs on Glass

Colour photographic slides

Early brass slide with three micrometers

Microscope slide with "The Lord's Prayer" (in micro-writing) engraved by R.J. Farrants

Single dark slide, mahogany

Slide containing genetically engineered E coli.

Single dark slide, mahogany

Slide showing Lysholm skull X-ray imaging unit in use


Mackenzie - Wishart Daylight Slides for Plates or Cut Film 5


Collection of photographs (approximately 1260) and slides (approximately 1000)


Coloured slide (in case) showing various absorption spectra


Magic lantern slide with skull

Rotating slide for lantern kaleidoscope. Gear slide with glass cell containing pieces of coloured glass which tumble when the handle is turned. See1990-5036/448

Rotating slide for lantern kaleidoscope

An untitled black & white slide depicting an elderly man holding a door frame.


15 microscope slides of thallium compounds in case, owned by Sir William Crookes

15 microscope slides of thallium compounds in case

Collection of 14 35mm colour slides showing the Flying Scotsman. The images were taken by Ron Clarkson on 01/05/1968, the 40th Anniversary non-stop run from Kings Cross to Edinburgh, from the cockpit of Tiger Moth (registration G-ANDI) piloted by Elliot Stenhouse. The pictures were taken north of Hitchin.

Collection of slides showing Flying Scotsman


Four glass black and white slides, 3 plastic-mounted colour and 1 card-mounted colour slide illustrating British Railways workshops and Shildon Wagon Works. Surplus slides from G. H. D. Mackie's lecture on Shildon of April 1964 (2004-7910) and the illustrations for his report "Impressions of British Railways Workshops" (2004-7909).

Impressions of British Railway Workshops / Shildon Works - unused slides (supplied title)


From the Old Mill (c.1780): Complete double ventilating slide

Complete double ventilating slide


Two wooden boxes containing 146 glass lecture slides on Public Health themes, showing slum clearance schemes in Britain and abroad, diagrammatic details of construction, and modern flats in c1949, reproductions of historical documents, etc, provenance unknown, 1930-1955.

146 glass lecture slides on public health


Two boxes containing twelve slides apiece of white smoke covered small glass slides from VICTOR 1A XH 591 at R.A.F. Marham and Vg Recorder chalked slides , to record and measure aircraft acceleration.

Two boxes containing twelve slides apiece of white smoke covered small glass slides


Black box labelled 'pathological sections', containing 12 trays of microscope slides, human and animal tissue, some slides labelled 'Pathological Dept of N. Middlesex Hospital'

Box of miscellaneous pathological sections


Box of miscellaneous bacteriological slides, likely containing human tissue. Black box, branded 'R. B. Turner & Co., containing 12 trays of slides.

Box of miscellaneous bacteriological slides


Black box labelled 'pathological sections', containing 12 trays of microscope slides, likely human tissue.

Box of miscellaneous pathological sections


Piece of memento mori, possibly from a slide, consisting of oval piece of glass backed by plaited hair and a picture of a skull

Piece of memento mori

before 1937

Wooden slide box with 12 wood trays for microscope slides, containing approximately 95 slides of animal and suspected human tissue, some are unlabelled. 2 paper slips describing some of the slides.

Wooden slide box with 95 slides


Projection slide, copy of X-ray image of the skull and jaw, produced using the Lysholm skull X-ray imaging unit at the Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, United Kingdom. This slide is labelled '7'.

Projection slide of skull X-ray


Projection slide, copy of X-ray image of the skull and jaw, produced using the Lysholm skull X-ray imaging unit at the Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, United Kingdom.

Projection slide of skull X-ray


Photographs, A collection of approximately 11,000 transparencies and a volume of prints and film negatives featuring UK mainline (steam and non-steam) railways and UK preserved lines, and America, South Africa, Germany, Holland, Austria, China, Yugoslavia, Portugal and France. The photographs were taken by David Maloney between 1981 and 2009 and are in black and white and colour.

David Maloney photographic collection


Eight slides for a projection polariscope by J. Lillie Mitchell, London, late 19th century (Wellcome B887)

Eight slides for a projection polariscope by J. Lillie Mitchell

Lantern slide box, containing 98 slides on bacteriology, all marked `H Hauptner, Berlin NW'

Lantern slide box

Short focal slide with steel ball pivot and with mechanical stop for locking on axis, from EROS IV optical transfer function measuring system for lens testing, made by R & J Beck Ltd. in about 1966

Short focal slide with steel ball pivot and with mechanical stop for locking on axis


Long focal slide with steel ball pivot and with mechanical stop for locking on axis, from EROS IV optical transfer function measuring system for lens testing, made by R & J Beck Ltd. in about 1966

Long focal slide with steel ball pivot and with mechanical stop


Medium field slide from EROS IV optical transfer function measuring system for lens testing, made by R & J Beck Ltd. in about 1966

Medium field slide from EROS IV optical transfer function measuring system for lens testing


Primus Disc Registering slides. 3.25 inch square sildes (3) with etched discs and cross lines for registering triple lanterns for accurate dissolving views and superimpositions. With label from original carton.

Primus Disc Registering slides

A set of 12 slides, large format (5" x 7" or 6" x 8") with thin-sectioned human tissue, each stained with one of the three stains (haematoxylin and eosin, modified silver or thionin-based Nissl stain).

Set of 12 human tissue slides

circa 2009

10 glass slides, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

10 glass slides


Histological Slide, Haematoxylin and eosin; section of one of Dr. R. Bright's original specimens, no.51.385.1A. In small mahogany slide box. From Guy's Hospital Medical School

Histological Slide

Enlarged slide of the Paget screen.

Enlarged slide of the Paget screen.

Histological Slide, Haematoxylin and eosin; section of one of Dr. R. Bright's original specimens, no.51.385.1A. From Guy's Hospital Medical School

Histological Slide

(a) Holmans Siphon slide for the microscope, (b) Holmans Life slide for the microscope, ( c) Holmans current slide for the microscope

(a) Holmans Siphon slide for the microscope

Short field slide from EROS IV optical transfer function measuring system for lens testing, made by R & J Beck Ltd. in about 1966

Short field slide from EROS IV optical transfer function measuring system for lens testing


Double dark slide in mahogany

Double dark slide in mahogany

Box containing 34 blood grouping slides by J. Melvin Freed, USA, 1950 or 1956, association Dr R A Zeitlen. The box has been specifically manufactured for the slides with the makers name printed on it. The small metal clips that hold the box together are rusted. "Emergency grouping slides" and "Prepared by Dr R.A. Zeitlin is written on the box. The slides are now kept separately from the box.

Blood grouping slides

1950 or 1956

Projection slide, copy of X-ray image of the skull and jaw, produced using the Lysholm skull X-ray imaging unit at the Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, United Kingdom. This slide is labelled '4'.

Projection slide of skull X-ray


Wooden slide box containing 55 microscope slides of human tissue, with handwritten list of each slide's contents inside the lid.

55 microscope slides


Gold slide, a memento mori of entwined hair and a skeleton, covered by glass, engraved with the initials W.H., 1689

Memento mori, Europe, 1689