2 double bars of soap viz:- (i) Harris Towel soap, (ii) Sunlight soap 2 double bars of soap viz:- (i) Harris Towel soap
Circular tablet of soap 2 1/2" diam. 1" thick, yellow in colour with a laurel wreath embossed on one side Circular tablet of soap 2 1/2" diam. 1" thick
Tablet of soap 2 3/4"x2"x3/4" coloured green. Inscribed "Sokleen" on the face "For busy hands" on the reverse Tablet of soap 2 3/4"x2"x3/4" coloured green
Bar of Nim-Veda soap, in a box, containing Ashwagandha (Ashvagandha, Withania somnifera) and other Ayurvedic herbal and plant extracts, manufactured by SPKM International Pty Ltd, Wentworth Falls, Australia, 2004-2005. Bar of Nim-Veda soap 2004-2005
Bar of Nim-Veda soap, in a box, containing Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) and other Ayurvedic herbal and plant extracts, manufactured by SPKM International Pty Ltd, Wentworth Falls, Australia, 2004-2005. Bar of Nim-Veda soap 2004-2005
Bar of Nim-Veda soap, in a box, containing Amla fruit (Amalaki, Emblica officinalis, Indian Gooseberry) and other Ayurvedic herbal and plant extracts, manufactured by SPKM International Pty Ltd, Wentworth Falls, Australia, 2004-2005. Bar of Nim-Veda soap 2004-2005
4 samples of stamped toilet soap:- 1. "Monkey" Brand, 2. E. Cook (2 bars), 3. White Swan ( plaster cast) and empty carton 4 samples of stamped toilet soap:- 1. "Monkey" Brand
Five packets of soap flakes, viz:- Leisure soap flakes, Sunlight soap flakes, Sunlight soap flakes (empty packet), Fairy soap flakes, and Stano soap flakes Five Packets of Soap Flakes
"E. Cook" brand soap bar (1 of 2 bars), one of four samples of stamped toilet soap "E. Cook" brand soap bar (1 of 2 bars)
Specimen of wire-cut and stamped bar of soap, Sunlight soap (double tablet). Specimen of wire-cut and stamped bar of soap
Two bars of "Perseverene" soap (old!), ex Australia, plus advertising handbill Two bars of "Perseverene" soap (old!)
Box of soaps: Decorative carton containing 3 soaps. Each bar is oval, cream and stamped with the GWR roundel. All separately packaged in cardboard boxes depicting locomotive and carriages of the GWR. Reputed to be pressed from original moulds of GWR. Produced by Jean Sorele, c1975-1981 (Packet for 4 soaps) Box of soaps: Decorative carton containing 3 soaps. Each bar is oval
Samples of soap viz:- (i) 3 bars of swan soap, (ii) Bar Pears soap, (iii) Bar Plantol scented soap, (iv) Bar of Crosfields Perfection soap, (v) Bar of Astral Pears clear soap Samples of soap viz:- (i) 3 bars of swan soap
Five samples of 1939-45 wartime economy packs of soap powder:- (1) Rinso, (2) Persil, (3) Wisk, (4) Fleet Wing, (5) Lux (carton), (6) Lux (bag), (7) General purpose soap Five samples of 1939-45 wartime economy packs of soap powder:- (1) Rinso
Bar of nim véda soap, in a box, containing Neem oil and other Ayurvedic herbal and plant extracts, manufactured by SPKM International Pty Ltd, Wentworth Falls, Australia, 2004-2005. Bar of soap containing Neem oil and other Ayurvedic plant extracts, Australia, 2004-2005 2004-2005
Number of miniature bars of soap for the Royal Dolls House, and the dies from which they were made Number of miniature bars of soap for the Royal Dolls House
Two cartons of soap bars from Scott's Antartic Expedition Two cartons of soap bars from Scott's Antartic Expedition
Tablet of soap 2 1/2"x2 1/2"x1" inscribed "Butter-milk" on the face "JC & J. Field Ltd. London" on the back Tablet of soap, "Butter-milk"