Object type
10 page Souvenir booklet containing information about the Cambrian Radio Cruise and places of interest along the route, with photographs, drawings & sketch maps. Soft back. Published by British Railways. Stylised drawing of a lady in Welsh National Costume and a train with mountains in the background, by Daphne Padden.

Cambrian Radio Cruise

A 16 page souvenir booklet celebrating the "Liverpool Street - Shenfield Electrification" giving an account of the history and construction of the line with photographs. 16 pages, soft cover. Type written slip insribed " Personal copy with compliments, George Dow." Published by the Railway Executive(Eastern Region). Cover Art; Drawing of pantograph and overhead wires.

Liverpool Street-Shenfield electrification


Souvenir booklet, The Caledonian Railway Company's Hotels, 120 page, soft backed, booklet giving descriptions of hotels with photographs. Includes tariffs, guides to edinburgh & Glasgow. 50 pages are of advertisements. Produced by the Caledonian Railway.

The Caledonian Railway Company's Hotels


Souvenir booklet, Portsmouth Gala Day Souvenir Ticket, single-fold card folder to hold souvenir ticket for vintage electric train ride at Portsmouth Gala Day.

Portsmouth Gala Day Souvenir Ticket

Souvenir booklet, The LMS. Its railways and its hotels, soft back 18 page souvenir booklet for members of International Hotel Alliance. Illustrated with drawings and 4 pages of facsimilies of historic documents. Produced by LMS.

The LMS. Its railways and its hotels


Souvenir booklet, Steam Returns. Salisbury-Yeovil, June-October 1986, 27 page, soft back souvenir booklet with potted history and description of journey. Cover art; "Sir Lamiel" under the roof of York Station.

Steam Returns. Salisbury-Yeovil, June-October 1986


The Gas Light and Coke Company. An Account of the progress of the Company from its incorporation by Royal Charter in the year 1812 to the present time. 1812-1912 / Gas Light & Coke Co. [1912] [91p., leather-bound, presentation(?) copy]

The Gas Light and Coke Company. An Account of the