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Thornton-Pickard Amber camera

circa 1897

Gandolfi 'Universal' Camera

Daguerreotype portrait camera


The 1889 Instantograph Camera


EMPRESS Whole Plate Stand Camera

Folding stand camera for 3.25x4.25 inch plates; Lancaster patent lens with iris disphragm: f/10; rising and cross front, swing back; track and pinion focusing on lens panel; ground glass screen in Lancaster patent swing-out mount.

Lancaster 1893 Instantograph camera


Folding Camera for Whole Plates

Studio Stand Camera

Large Half Plate Stand Camera

Kodak Studio Stand Camera

McKellen Folding Hand or Stand Camera

circa 1890

Collapsible Folding Bellows Hand or Stand Camera

circa 1910

Thornton-Pickard Royal Ruby Camera

circa 1920

Pullman Camera

Sanger-Shepherd Camera

Thornton Pickard folding bellows field or stand camera, c 1890


Hand and Stand Camera and One Darkslide.


'Artist' Twin Lens Plate Camera


Sands, Hunter & Co Stand Camera

Watson & Sons Folding Bellows Tailboard Field and Stand Camera, c 1890


Exhibition Camera by Sands and Hunter

Folding stand camera for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 plates. With a W Banks Bolton wide angle lens F: 5 1/2 inches rotating wheel with stops f/17, 23, 35, 46 No. 56. Sliding rising and cross front. Front standard fixed. Rack and pinion focusing on rear panel, double extension. Reversible back with hinged ground glass screen. Vertical swing back. Square bellows. Reynolds and Branson.

Reynolds and Branson quarter plate stand camera


Folding stand camera for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch plates. Fitted with an Aldis anastigmat lens No.2 f/6-45 No. 40668. Thornton Pickard Time and Instantaneous shutter 15/30/45/75/90/T. Sliding and rising front, sliding cross and falling front. Swing front and back. Reversible back. Rack and pinion focusing on front and rear panels with triple extension. Built in tripod turntables. Separate tripod legs. Thornton-Pickard.

Thornton Pickard Imperial triple extension camera

The Triple Diamond folding bellows field or stand camera for plates 4 3/4 x 6 1/2. With triple extension, rising and tilting front, reversing and swing back movement. Lens panel hinged to baseboard. Fitted with a rapid rectilinear lens F.8 8 f.1. mounted in a Thornton Pickard roller blind shutter. Of mahogany with brass fittings and tapered leather bellows.

Triple Diamond Folding Bellows Field or Stand Camera

The Una camera. Folding hand or stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. Lens no 255667 (pat. 11108/'04). Goerx pantar combination lens F: 11 3/4, 9 1/2 inches. Goerz diaphragm shutter calibrated with 6f/ scale 14 inches lens 12.5-64; 11 3/4 - 12.5-64, 12.5-64; 11 + 14 3/4 6.8-45; 14+ 9 1/2 7.2-45 shutter speeds 2/3/5/10/20/75/100/150/T. Rack and pinion rising front with sliding extension. Swing front, revolving back. Rack and pinion focusing with long extension. Baseboard calibrated in two scales from 5 to 15 1/2 inches in 1/2 inch steps. Ground glass focusing screen in detachable back. Manufactured by James A Sinclair & Co Ltd., 54 Haymarket, London SW.

The Una Camera

No. 5 Cartridge Kodak camera, 1898-1900, manufactured by EKCo. Folding camera for 115 rollfilm. Fitted with a Bausch and Lomb rapid rectilinear lens US4-128. Eastman triple action shutter B/I/T, slow to fast adjustment. Rack and pinion focusing, sliding rising and cross front. Two reflecting finders. With interchangeable plate back No.533 adaptor. Blockform double darkslide and a standard back No.1288. Eastman Kodak. Overall (deployed): 220 mm x 260 mm x 295 mm.

No 5 Cartridge Kodak camera


No 5 folding Kodak camera, 1893-1897, manufactured by Eastman Kodak Co. Folding camera for 54 exposure roll film 5 x 7 inch. Bausch & Lomb universal lens. US 4-256, Bausch & Lomb iris diaphragm shutter 3/2/1/2/5/25/50/100. Sliding rising and cross front, rack and pinion focusing, drop front to baseboard, swing back vertical and horizontal movement, reflecting viewfinder, compartment in case for interchangeable elements (missing). Walker roll holder. No 9498. Overall (deployed): 240 mm x 256 mm x 390 mm. This is an early folding camera designed for use with rollfilm. Externally, it resembles a leather-covered box. The front panel opens down to reveal the lens panel - connected by bellows to a modified Eastman- Walker rollholder.

No 5 folding Kodak camera


1894 Instantograph camera, by J Lancaster and Son, Birmingham. Folding bellows stand camera for 1/4 plate. Achromat Lancaster lens, iris calibrated 10-30. Time 1-8. Sliding rising front; swing back. Swing out ground glass screen. 1 wooden double darkslide.

1894 Instantograph camera


Folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with a Beck symmetrical lens F: 8 1/2 inches f/8-64. Unicum shutter 1/2/5/25/50/100/T/B. Sliding rising and cross front. Swing front. Rack and pinion focusing, triple extension. Revolving back, swing back. Tripod turntable in baseboard. W. Butcher and Sons. c.1910.

The National camera


Folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with a Beck Symmetrical lens f/8-45, interchangeable with pair of Achromat lenses f/11-44 both on front panel for roller blind shutter ? Thornton Pichard 15/30/45/76/90/T, with wire release. Sliding rising front, swing front. Rack and pinion focusing, triple extension on back and front panels. Swing back. Focusing screen is missing. Reversible back. With removable spring roller septum for stereo. With built in tripod turntable with separate legs. Sold by Westminster Photographic Exchange. With two Two wooden bookform double darkslides.

Half Plate Stand Camera

Sandham stand camera, made by Sandham and Co., 92 Northgate, Blackburn. Folding hand/stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6" plates. With "R.R. No.2" lens F.8 1/2", f.3-64 and RR type F.9" f.8-64. Sliding rising front with click stops. Swing front end and back. Pendulum level. Rack and pinion focussing, double extension. For shutter see 1990-5036/1269

Sandham stand camera


Franks half-plate camera, made by A Franks, optician, Manchester, Hull and Liverpool. Folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2". No lens; flange 1 3/4" on panel. Rack and pinion focussing, sliding rising front. Swing back. Double extension bellows. With two double wooden bookform plateholders. No lens.

Franks' Half-plate camera


Stand camera for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch plates. Fitted with a rapid rectilinear lens F: 5 1/2 inches with three Waterhouse stops (US 4, 8, 64) by Optimus. Sliding rising front. Reversible back with ground glass focusing screen. Rack and pinion focusing with double extension. Swing back, vertical only. No. 3855. London Stereoscopic and Photographic Co, 1889.

London Stereoscopic and Photographic Co Quarter Plate Stand Camera


J Lancaster & Son camera for 10"x12" plates. No movements. Fixed front panel, sliding screen/plate holder. Square bellows. 2'6" extension. With one wooden single darkslide. No lens. Retailed by Benetfink & Co, Cheapside London E.C. Overall: 405 mm x 322 mm x 790 mm.

Lancaster stand plate camera


Folding stand camera for 6 3/4 x 3 1/4 inch plates. Fitted with two lancaster rectigraph lenses f/7-40 in Primus lens protector bags. Rack and pinion focusing. Sliding rising front. Swing back. Lancaster patent swing out focusing screen. J. Lancaster c.1890

Lancaster Stereo Instantograph camera


Folding stand camera for 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with an Aldis NO. 4 lens F:10 inches f/6-64 No. 12360. Thornton Pickard Time and Inst. Roller blind shutter 15/25/40/60/80/T, with cable release. Sliding rising front. Rack and pinion focusing, double extension. Tapered bellows and swing front and back. Pendulum level with a rotating back, ground glass screen and a built in royalty tripod head with legs. Billcliff.

Billcliff plate camera


Dr. Merthe's colour camera, manufactured by Bennpohl, Berlin, 1903. With red leather bellows. No lens. Overall (deployed): 535 mm x 175 mm x 250 mm.

Dr Merthe's colour camera


Folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2" plates. No makers name but ? Middlemiss. Mahogany and brass folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2" plates. No lens or panel. Front panel located by stud and keyslot, two positions. Rack and pinion focusing double extension . Sliding rising front , swing back. No.3383. With Eastman roll-holder (Pat. May 5th 1885), No. 7520 and two double darkslides. Tripod base (no legs), in canvas and board case.

Folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2" plates

Folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with a C.P. Goerz Dogmar lens F:15cm f/4.5-36 No. 515048. Compur shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/150/B/T. Swing front, rising front - sliding, considerable movement. Swing back. Rack and pinion focusing on front and rear panels with long extension. Reversible back with swing out ground glass. Built in large diameter tripod head.

Half-plate Stand camera

Stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with a Kodak Ektar lens F:203mm f/7.7-45, coated. With a Prontar SVS shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/300/B. Delayed action, X and M synchronisation with coaxial flash socket. Sliding and rising front with vertical swing front. With rack and pinion focusing on front and rear panels. Worm and rack operated swing back, both movements. Reversible back and screw fitted. Spring ground glass focusing screen. Hinged calibrated baseboard with screw fitted extension bed. Grey and satin chrome finish. No.1981. Kodak Limited.

Kodak Specialist Stand Camera Model 2.

Folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch quarter plates. Fitted with a Ross Goerz double anastigmat lens F:8 1/4 inches f/8.-64. Sliding rising front, rack and pinion focusing. Double extension bellows rotatable back, hinged ground glass focusing screen. Lens number 4970. J T Chapman Limited. 1895-1900.

The British Box Plate Stand camera


Folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates.Fitted with a Beck symmetrical lens f/8-11. Studio diaphragm shutter, Sliding rising front. Bertical swing on back and front. Rack and pinion focusing on back and front. REversible back. Built in tripod turntable. Thrornton-Pickard.

Thornton Pickard Imperial Triple Extension Camera

Thornton Pickard 'College' folding bellows hand or stand camera for negatives 3 1/4 x 4 /14. With double extension, tapered bellows, swing and reversing back, rising and tilting front. Rack and pinion focusing. Supported by two brass struts. Fitted with an Aldis Anastigmat F.7.7 7 1/2" f.1 lens mounted in a Thornton Pickard roller blind shutter. Made of mahogany with brass fittings. Rubber air pressure release. c1910.

Thornton Pickard 'College' folding bellows hand or stand camera, c 1910


Lancaster 1901 B B Instantograph camera, folding stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. Fitted with a Lancaster Patent landscape achromatic lens, iris diaphragm marked 1-8 f/10-30. Sliding rising front, rack and pinion focusing with double extension. Swing back, both movements. Lancaster patent swing out ground glass focusing screen. Manufactured by J Lancaster and Son, Birmingham. 1901. This was a special 'tropical' version of the Instantograph - the letters BB stand for Brass Bound.

Lancaster B B Instantograph camera


Stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 inch plates. Lens and lens panel missing. Fixed front. Ornate strenthening plates. Rafck and pinion focusing on rear panel. Double extension. Tailboard construction. Sliding rising front swing back. Reversible back. Square bellows. Figured wood perhaps maple. Marsden.

Marsden Stand Camera

Stand camera for 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 inch plates. With a simple landscape lens in rack and pinion mount and fixed aperture. Sliding rising and cross front. Small amount of swing on back. Ground glass focusing screen on hinged frame. Camera disassemblies back has two sets of half hinges on two adjacent sides. Front has two screws locating in long keyhole slots in baseboard. Removable single side strut. Baseboard separate. J Lancaster & Son, c.1886.

Le Meritoire camera


Mahogany and brass stand camera for 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 plates. Fitted with an Underwood rapid rectilinear lens F: 9 inches f/8-64. Thornton Pickard time and inst. Roller blind shutter, 15/25/40/60/80/T. Sliding, rising and cross front, rack and pinion focusing on rear panel, double extension, swing back, square bellows, with tripod head. Underwood.

Underwood Instanto Tailboard Field Camera

circa 1896

No. 6 Folding Kodak camera, improved model, 1893-5. Folding box/bellows camera for rollfilm or plates 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch. Fitted with a Bausch & Lomb Universal lens F:12 inches. US 4-256 interchangeable elements for W/A lens F:9 inches US 16 - 128. Bausch & Lomb iris diaphragm shutter 3/2/1/2/5/25/50/100/T. With pneumatic release valve. Lens and shutter have bayonet fitting. Sliding and rising cross front, drop-front and swing back. Lever focusing - two positions for converted lens. Rotating reflecting finder. Compartment under lid contains a spare lens elements, tripod screw and roll holder screw. Walker roll holder No.532. Overall (deployed): 290 mm x 300 mm x 470 mm.

No.6 folding Kodak, improved model


Stand camera for 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch plates. no lens. Sliding rising front. Rack and pinion focusing. Vertical swing back. Ground glass focusing screen in reversible back. Tripod turntable built in. Sold by Spiers and Pond's Stores, Queen Victoria Street.

Whole Plate Stand Camera

Stand camera for 15x12" plates; no lens; rising front; screw focusing on front panel; rear handle; reversible back, broken glass missing, painted white.

Turner folding stand camera