5 Reichsanstallt pattern standard resistors, by Otto Wolff, Berlin, calibrated in International Ohms 5 Reichsanstallt pattern standard resistors 1902-1903
Standard resistor type 1659 100 ohm No. 98062, by H. Tinsley & Co. Ltd., London, SE25, England. Standard resistor type 1659 100 ohm No. 98062
Standard resistor Type 1659. 100 ohms. No. 71788, by H. Tinsley & Co. Ltd., London, SE25, England. Standard resistor Type 1659. 100 ohms. No. 71788
6 Reichsanstallt pattern standard resistors, by Otto Wolff, Berlin, calibrated in British Association Ohms. 6 Reichsanstallt pattern standard resistors 1878-1880
One Megohm (at 20ºC) standard resistor, type 474, by H. Tinsley & Co. Ltd., London, S.E.25, serial no. 54615, made in 1943, in wooden case with lid that is slotted for connecting leads, terminals mounted on perspex insulators. One Megohm (at 20ºC) standard resistor 1943