Coloured drawing of general arrangement of Sentinel steam engine. No. 3485, (scale 1:4), c. 1920? Drawing of Sentinel steam engine 1920
Collection of components of White steam car, c. 1907, comprising: flow meter, thermometer reading to 550 degree centigrade, two high pressure steam gauges, pump body, fuel regulator for burner generator, Coopers' patent speed indicator, pat. no. 7238 of 1908 glass front broken, box containing assortment of metal balls for valves, book of instructions Collection of components of White steam car circa 1907
Coloured black and white drawing re Clarkson's steam motors:- Three speed and reverse gearbox, elevation and section, full size Drawing of Clarkson steam motor part
Coloured black and white drawing re Clarkson's steam motors:- sectional plan of gearbox, No.1941, full size Drawing of Clarkson steam motor part
Drawing of Clarkson compound 'Vee' steam engine, section through L.P. cylinder and H.P. piston valve (scale 1:2) Drawing of a Clarkson steam engine
Engine and boiler etc. of a Locomobile steam motor car, 1900, sectioned, mounted on stand representing part of a car. Engine and boiler from Locomobile steam motor car 1900
Pedrail wheel of 1902 pattern, working model (scale 1:4) of the second Pedrail. Originally invented by B.J. Diplock in 1895 and patented in 1899, built by Pedrail Transport Ltd. Working model of a 'Pedrail' wheel 1902-1919
Coloured black and white drawing re Clarkson's steam motors:- arrangement of automatic water feed regulator No. A4037 (no scale) Drawing of Clarkson steam motor part
Coloured black and white drawing re Clarkson's steam motors:- patent thimble tube boiler, No.2157, (scale 1:4) Drawing of Clarkson steam motor part
Coloured black and white drawing re Clarkson's steam motors:- arrangement of rear axle, scale 1:2, No. 2164 Drawing of Clarkson steam motor part
Coloured black and white drawing re Clarkson's steam motors:- automatic draught control valve, No.114, full size Drawing of Clarkson steam motor part
Drawing of Clarkson compound 'Vee' steam engine, section along crankshaft (scale 1:2) Drawing of a Clarkson steam engine
Drawing of Clarkson compound 'Vee' steam engine - elevation, and section of pumps (scale 1:2) Drawing of a Clarkson steam engine
National steam engine for a Clarkson steam vehicle, c. 1916 National steam engine for a Clarkson steam vehicle circa 1916