Group of ten pairs of stereoscopic photographs of the Moon, taken by Warren De La Rue (1815-1889) between 1858 and 1862. Published by Smith, Beck & Beck of London. Group contains duplicate images. Lunar Photographs 1858-1862
Stereophotograph from the Diableries series, Bal chez Satan [Ball at Satan's], showing women, skeletons and demons dancing, with a skeleton orchestra in the background, 1860s. Diableries stereocard: Bal Chez Satan circa 1866
Stereophotograph from the Diableries series, Les Odalisques chez Satan [Odalisques at Satan's], Satan is sat under ornate horseshoe arches, surrounded by skeletons and women reclining, dancing and playing a string instrument. Published by Adolphe Block, 1860s. Diableries stereocard: Les Odalisques chez Satan circa 1866
Hand-coloured stereophotograph from the Diableries series, 'Une Course a Satanville' [Race in Satantown], showing Satan and two other skeletons competing in a horse race. One of the skeleton is falling from his horse while skeleton spectators are watching, 1860s. Diableries stereocard: Une Course a Satanville circa 1866
Stereophotograph from the Diableries series, Les Cuisines de Satan [Satan's kitchen], showing a chef surrounded by skeletons in aprons and hats and cooking and baking. Diableries stereocard: Les Cuisines de Satan circa 1866
Hand-coloured stereophotograph from the Diableries series, 'Les Femmes de Satan au Bain' [Satan's wifes bathing], showing 3 women bathing, while a demon pushes away intruding skeletons. Moon and lighthouse in the background. Diableries Stereocard: Les Femmes de Satan au Bain circa 1866
Stereophotograph from the Diableries series, A72 'Les Cocottes Chez Satan [Ladies of Easy Virtue with Satan], showing several young women flirting with Satan and one of his ogres, published by Adolphe Block, 1860s. Diableries stereocard: Les Cocottes Chez Satan circa 1866
Stereoscopic photograph entitled 'Cavity made by a bomb dropped for a Zepelin, German raid on Southend', by Underwood & Underwood, 1915. Cavity made by a bomb dropped by a Zeppelin, German raid on Southend 1915
Hand-coloured stereophotograph from the Diableries series, A58, 'Les regates a Satanville' [Regatta in Satantown], showing skeletons competing in a boat race with skeleton spectators watching from a bridge. Publihsed by Adolphe Blocke, 1868. Diableries Stereocard: Les Regates a Satanville 1868
Stereophotograph, wet collodion positive, mounted uner glass with paintd black and gold frame. Shows woman walking with child in pram near Bradford, 1857 Stereophotograph Of Woman Waking Child in Pram 1857
Hand-coloured stereophotograph from the Diableries series, 'Tentation de St Antoine' [Temptation of Saint Anthony], showing St Anthony sat under an archway being offered fruits by a young woman. Various skeletons, demons and animals surround the scene, 1860s. Diableries stereocard: Tentation de St Antoine circa 1866
Stereophotograph from the Diableries series, Le Boudoir de Mme Satan [Madame Satan's boudoir], showing a skeleton courting Madame Satan, while Satan peeks from behind a curtain. A large bird stands behind Madame Satan, published by Adolphe Block, 1860s. Diableries stereocard: Le Boudoir de Mme Satan circa 1866
Hand-coloured stereophotograph from the Diableries series, 'Une Exposition Infernale' [Infernal Exhibition], showing a bric a brac of objects, demons, skeletons and people in various costumes under a decorated horseshoe arch, 1860s. Diableries stereocard: Une Exposition Infernale circa 1866