On Display
Object type

sugar bowl

Sugar bowl, off white with blue band, Rhodesia Railway, good condition, bearing makers mark

Rhodesia Railway

Sugar bowl, ceramic, London & North Eastern Railway, made by Alfred Meakin, Tunstall; white with border of pink and green roses and thistles, LNER "Kesick" design (Scottish).

Ceramic sugar bowl, London & North Eastern Railway


Sugar bowl, ceramic, by Dudson, Great North Eastern Railway, white with dark blue rim.

Ceramic sugar bowl, Great North Eastern Railway


Sugar bowl, ceramic, South Western Railway, unmarked; white earthenware, South Western Railway and shield in brown on side.

Ceramic sugar bowl, South Western Railway

Sugar bowl, ceramic, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, unidentified maker; white with embossed decoration, with stem, coat of arms of L & Y R on 2 sides, marked inside rim "DEMERARA SUGAR" and on outside "CANE SUGAR from DEMERERA, BRITISH GUIANA". Measurements overall: 102 mm 96 mm.

Ceramic sugar bowl, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway

Sugar bowl, ceramic, London & North Eastern Railway, made by Alfred Meakin, Tunstall; white with border of pink and green roses and thistles, LNER "Kesick" design (Scottish).

Ceramic sugar bowl, London & North Eastern Railway


Sugar bowl, 2-handled, Great Central Railway, "GT CENTRAL RY" and GCR coat of arms engraved on side, curved sides

Sugar bowl, Great Central Railway

Sugar bowl, ceramic, London & North Eastern Railway, made by Alfred Meakin, Tunstall; white with border of pink and green roses, LNER "Keswick" design (English).

Ceramic sugar bowl, London & North Eastern Railway


Sugar bowl, small, ceramic, Great Western Railway - Hotels; GWR Hotels full crest, black leaf pattern, from Linfoot Collection

Ceramic sugar bowl, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Sugar bowl, ceramic, Great Western Railway - Refreshment Department; GWR Refreshment Dept, full crest, brown on white, from Linfoot Collection.

Ceramic sugar bowl, Great Western Railway - Refreshment Department

Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, Caledonian Steam Packet Company, made by Walker & Hall, Sheffield; depicting lion rampant pennant; 114mm diameter. (Part of BR Scottish Mess silver)

Silver plated sugar bowl, Caledonian Steam Packet Company

Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, 1934, Great Western Railway, straight-sided, GWR coat of arms with banner below "GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY HOTELS"

Silver plated sugar bowl, Great Western Railway - Hotels


Sugar bowl, silver plated, Great Central Railway, full crest with "Leicester" beneath

Silver plated sugar bowl, Great Central Railway

Two handled sugar basin, Pullman cars , bearing makers mark and company logo (circular)

Silver plated sugar bowl, Pullman Car Co Ltd

Sugar bowl, silver plated, North Eastern Railway, 2-handled, engraved shield between two decorative bands, garter "NER Royal Station Hotel Hull", by Elkington & Co,16635, 1884.

Silver plated sugar bowl, North Eastern Railway - Royal Station Hotel Hull


Sugar bowl, silver plate, Pullman monogram, by Joseph Westby (BTH 37P)

Silver plated sugar bowl, Pullman Car Company

Sugar bowl, silver plated, Midland Railway, two handled, marked on side ‘Midland Railway Hotels’ in garter, by Mappin & Webb, Prince’s Plate, London & Sheffield, Triple Deposit.

Silver plated sugar bowl, Midland Railway - Hotels

Tea strainer holder, silver plated, British Rail, marked with BR double arrow logo on side, by Mappin & Webb, Sheffield, E30284.

Silver plated sugar bowl, British Rail


Sugar Basin, round, silver plated, two handles with thumb piece & rat tail terminal, made by M & Co, Southern Railway, SR garter engraved on side, base stamped M & Co, S, EPNS, 1889 waranted hard soldered, (BTH 45S).

Silver plated sugar bowl, Southern Railway


Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield Great Central Railway, " GT CENTRAL RAILWAY" garter with Y.G. in centre

Silver plated sugar bowl, Great Central Railway

Sugar bowl, silver plated, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by Gladwin Limited, Sheffield; GWR Hotels full crest. (BTH 166W)

Silver plated sugar bowl, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, 1903, London Midland & Scottish Railway, plain, "LMS HOTELS" in laurel wreath on side.

Silver plated sugar bowl, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels


Sugar bowl, nickel silver, Zetland Hotel, unidentified maker - stamped I D & S, J.B, 1300 N, PNS; two-handled. Overall: 86 mm x 190 mm x 130 mm.

Silver plated sugar bowl, Zetland Hotel

Sugar bowl, ceramic, London & North Eastern Railway, made by Dudson Bros, Hanley; Wedgwood blue with black pattern between two white lines, marked "London North Eastern Railway". 5.08 x 7.62 cm.

Ceramic sugar bowl, London & North Eastern Railway

Sugar bowl, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, marked with Pullman wide crest (BTH 39P)

Silver plated sugar bowl, Pullman Car Company

Sugar bowl, silver plated, Great Western Railway - Hotels, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham; GWR Hotels roundel. (BTH 169W)

Silver plated sugar bowl, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Sugar bowl, silver gilt, Great Western Railway, ornately embossed with GWR coat of arms, from tea service purchased by Sir Daniel Gooch and donated to the GWR by Sir Felix Pole in 1941.

Silver gilt sugar bowl, Great Western Railway - Sir Daniel Gooch tea service


Sugar bowl, silver plated, Great Western Railway - Restaurant Car, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham, 1910; 2-handled, straight-sided, GWR coat of arms with GWR below and "RESTAURANT CAR" banner. Overall: 78 mm x 134 mm x 88 mm, 0.26kg

Silver plated sugar bowl, Great Western Railway - Restaurant Car


Sugar bowl, two-handled, silver plate, Great Northern & North Eastern Joint Stock, Dining Car, marked on 'G.N. & N.E. JT Dining Car', by Carrington, 130 Regent St W, London (BTH 339E).

Silver plated sugar bowl, Great Northern & North Eastern Joint Stock

Sugar bowl, brown ceramic, British Rail, as used in MK III, sleeping coaches, Duralins, Dudson, super vitrified, 11-86, by Dudson Bros, Hanley, 1986.

Ceramic sugar bowl, British Rail - sleeping coaches


Sugar bowl, ceramic, by Grindley, London Midland & Scottish Railway, white, gold rim, pink and green floral border, marked underneath "LMS DINING CARS SEPT 1937", 3 1/4" diameter

Ceramic sugar bowl, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Dining Cars


Sugar bowl, ceramic, "Vitresol" by J & G Meakin, London Midland & Scottish Railway, white, gold rim, pink and green floral border, marked underneath "LMS DINING CARS", 2 1/2" diameter

Ceramic sugar bowl, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Dining Cars

Sugar bowl, ceramic, Great North of Scotland Railway, Refreshment Rooms, Ballater, white with blue garter and GNoSR coat of arms with "REFRESHMENT ROOMS BALLATER" below, made by Dunn Bennett & Co, Burslem.

Ceramic sugar bowl, Great North of Scotland Railway - Refreshment Rooms, Ballater

Sugar bowl, ceramic, "Vitresol" by J & G Meakin, London Midland & Scottish Railway, white, gold rim, pink and green floral border, marked underneath "LMS DINING CARS", 4 1/4" diameter

Ceramic sugar bowl, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Dining Cars

Sugar bowl, small, ceramic, Great Western Railway - Hotels; GWR Hotels roundel, black leaf pattern, from Linfoot Collection.

Ceramic sugar bowl, Great Western Railway - Hotels

Sugar bowl, ceramic, London & North Eastern Railway, made by Alfred Meakin, Tunstall; white with border of pink and green roses and thistles, LNER "Kesick" design (Scottish).

Ceramic sugar bowl, London & North Eastern Railway


Sterling silver sugar bowl, to accompany coffee pot with walnut handle, on tripod with spirit burner mounted on stand beneath, made by Matthew Boulton, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, 1811

Silver sugar bowl


Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, Great Central Railway Steamships, GCR coat of arms with "DEWSBURY" on scroll above

Silver plated sugar bowl, Great Central Railway Steam Ships

Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway/London & North Western Railway, made by George Richmond Collis & Co, Birmingham; oval, garter on side "L&Y & L&NW RY CO" with shamrock in centre; from the ship "Duke of Argyll" formerly on the Heysham-Belfast service. Overall: 110 mm x 120 mm x 190 mm.

Silver plated sugar bowl, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway/London & North Western Railway from the "Duke of Argyll"

Sugar bowl, silver plate, by Joseph Westby & Co, Pullman monogram (BTH 36P)

Silver plated sugar bowl, Pullman Car Company

Sugar bowl, silver plate, ECJS, by Elkington (BTH 337E)

Silver plated sugar bowl, East Coast Joint Stock

Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, London Midland & Scottish Railway, made by Walker & Hall, Sheffield; plain, "LMS" in script lettering on side (Part of BR Scottish Mess silver). Measurements overall: 100 mm x 174 mm 114 mm, 0.43 kg.

Silver plated sugar bowl, London Midland & Scottish Railway

Milk jug, small, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, Southern Railway, SR ensign marked on side, base stamped W&H, h, Sheffield, A1, waranted hard & silver solded, 55.

Silver plated sugar bowl, Southern Railway


Sugar bowl, 2-handled; silver plated, London Chatham & Dover Railway; plain, straight sided, LCDR coat of arms with "L.C.D.R" above, by Elkington & Co, 16635, 1905.

Silver plated sugar bowl, London Chatham & Dover Railway


Sugar basin, silver plate, round, two handles with thumb pieces & rat tail terminals, Southern Railway, S RLY capitals, maker's mark D & A (unknown), base stamped 9241, hard soldered, AI. (BTH 46S).

Silver plated sugar bowl, Southern Railway


Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham, 1901; plain, convex sides, "LMS HOTELS" block logo on side.

Silver plated sugar bowl, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels


Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, "Prince's Plate" by Mappin & Webb, London Midland & Scottish Railway, plain, "LMS CARS" motif on side, stamped on base C29/148, 14 ozs.

Silver plated sugar bowl, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Cars

Sugar bowl, 2-handled, silver plated, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham, 1920; plain, garter on side, "L&Y RY Co". Measurements overall: 120 mm x 180 mm x 110 mm.

Silver plated sugar bowl, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway


Sugar bowl, silver plated, by H B & Co, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway, two handles, plain shield on one side, shield on other side engraved "MS&L ".

Silver plated sugar bowl, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway