Disposable sampling swab of the type used with SAMBA® II SARS-CoV-2 tests including a nose and throat swab 2021-01-05
Two Fastaid pre-injection swabs 75% Isopropanol with contents, made by Robinson Healthcare Ltd., lot number 200905, date of manufacture 2020-09-05, date of expiry 2023-09-04, of the type used during COVID-19 vaccination work at University Hospital Coventry, England, 2020-2021. Pre-injection swabs 2020
4 swabs on brass corked rods in glass tubes, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940 4 swabs on brass corked rods in glass tubes 1930-1940
Box containing pre-injection swabs, Fast-Aid brand, of the type used at Science Museum NHS COVID-19 vaccination centre, 2021 Pre-injection swabs 2021
Packet of five Clinigauze non-woven swabs, made by Clinisupplies Ltd., reference number NW0504-05/B, lot number 251118, date of manufacture 2018-11, date of expiry 2023-10, of the type used during COVID-19 vaccination work at University Hospital Coventry, England, 2020-2021. Packet of five Clinigauze non-woven swabs 2018
Box containing pre-injection swabs, Fast-Aid brand, of the type used at Science Museum NHS COVID-19 vaccination centre, 2021. Pre-injection swabs 2021