26 column round hole tabulator, and two hole sensor units, by Powers-Samas, United Kingdom, 1925-1935 26 column round hole tabulator 1930
BTM "Mercury Cup" tabulator, hand operated c. 1908, ICT Museum No.49 Hand operated Mercury cup tabulator 1908
65 column Powers Samas tabulator, sectioned, cut away, illuminated and slowed to working speed of 10 cards per minute, 1930. 65 column Powers Samas tabulator 1930
Semi-automatic 3-counter tabulator, early example, c.1905, (no.0312) Semi-automatic 3 counter tabulator 1905
26 column round hole tabulator, by Powers-Samas, United Kingdom, 1925-1935 26 column round hole tabulator c. 1930 1930