`Royal' all transistor tape recorder (Model IM-501), Japan, 1958-1965 `Royal' all transistor tape recorder (Model IM-501) 1958-1965
EMI TR52, tape recorder, 1960. The TR52 was produced in various versions, single channel full or half track (TR52/1) and two channel (TR52/2). In addition, each variant came in two versions depending on tape speed, “C” for 3¾ and 7½ ips and “D” for 7½ and 15 ips. Marketed as a professional model, record characteristics were set up in accordance with CCIR recommendations and separate record and replay amplifiers and heads permitted “off-tape” monitoring. A single motor connected to the capstan assembly via a flexible coupling also provided power for the take-up, rewind and wind-on facilities. EMI tape recorder, 1960. 1960
Sony Pro Walkman Ser No. 165899, used by Simon Bates and Jonathan Ruffle of BBC Radio One on their round-the-world trip, 1989 Sony Pro Walkman Ser No. 165899 1989