Transit Telescope, 2-inch, brass, in fitted mahogany case, by Troughton & Simms, London, c1850, reputedly used at the London & North Western Railway's Crewe Works for aligning locomotive cylinders and frames. Transit telescope by troughton & simms 1850
Gregorian reflecting telescope of 4 3/8-inch aperture, by James Short, London, 1763-1765. Gregorian reflecting telescope of 4 3/8-inch aperture
Binocular telescope by C.W. Dixey in leather case. Non-prismatic plaque with the engraving "From HRH The Prince of Wales KG-GCSJ India 1875-76" on one tube. (Wellcome B851) Binocular telescope by C.W. Dixey in leather case
Model of the 'Characterising Exoplanet Satellite' or CHEOPS spacecraft, scale 1:1, made by ESA/Hupkens Industrial Models, 2022. Exoplanet Satellite Telescope 'CHEOPS' 2022
Finder 10 3/8” by 7/8”, for refracting telescope by Thomas Jones, 1815-1850. Finder for Refracting Telescope by Thos Jones 1815-1850
Dilapidated telescope outer covering. Note with it:- G212810 (No card) (Assumed prefix is G but could be a symbol). (AW) Telescope tube
Adjustable skeleton telescope: consisting of optical bench and two sliding mounts with two 38mm diam. lenses - 1 convex 12 dioptres, 1 convex 2 dioptres. Constructed Nov.1932 for special optical exhibition Adjustable skeleton telescope
Ultra-violet telescope experiment (S2/68) for ESRO's TD1A satellite-engineering model with wavelength selection optics and handling trolley, box for experiment, 1970-1972. Ultra-violet telescope experiment (S2/68) for ESRO's TD1A satellite-engineering model
Sir Patrick Moore's first surviving large telescope, nicknamed 'Oscar'. 12 1/2 inch reflecting telescope by H.N. Irving and Son, Teddington, London. Mirror by Wildey, London. Tripod not original. Bought c. 1948 and used at East Grinstead, Armagh and Surrey. Used for lunar observations, including those used by Moore to map libration zones. Acquired alongside the Archive of Sir Patrick Moore. 'Oscar', Sir Patrick Moore's first surviving large telescope circa 1948
Tube with two powers for refracting telescope by Thomas Jones, 1815-1850. Tube with Two Powers for Refracting Telescope by Thos Jones 1815-1850