Transmitting portion of original television experimental apparatus, created and used by John Logie Baird, with a dummy head of "Stookie / Stooky Bill". 1925-1926. John Logie Baird's original experimental television apparatus, 1925-1926 1925-1926
A Realistic Pocketvision 3 (Citizen 03TA) miniature television receiver Serial No 8A50462, Cat No 167050 made by Citizen Electronics Co. Ltd., 1985. Sold by Tandy under their brand name 'Realistic' this early monochrome LCD set was made by the Japanese company Citizen. Despite its small screen (2.7 inches) it boasted an external video input and could be powered from an external power adaptor. Running on its own internal batteries would give up to 10 hours viewing. Unusually, the LCD is not normally provided with a backlight. The set is operated by directing sunlight through the LCD panel and viewing the image in the built-in mirror. A clip-on battery-powered backlight was available as an optional extra. Realistic LCD Pocketvision 3 1985
Portable beige and synthetic crocodile skin decorated portable television with a black tarnished cover. Produced by Phillips. television
1937 H.M.V. Television set; screen image reflected by mirror;model No.901;Serial No. H.7242 Television set 1937
Monochrome Projection Television type 6027A/15 by Philips with screen/loudspeaker unit type 6028T. Serial no. M1040 Monochrome Projection Television
KB Featherlight 11 inch mains portable television set, 1964 KB Featherlight 11 inch mains portable television set 1964
General Electric 10" model 10TI monochrome tabletop televeision receiver, manufactured by General Electric about 1949-1950. General Electric 10" Tabletop Televeision Receiver Model 10TI 1949-1950
Ferranti Ltd model 20T5 black-and-white projection television, c. 1955. Ferranti model 20T5 black-and-white projection television circa 1955