Image orthicon camera tube used in a Marconi Image intensifier set at the Institute of Zoology 1960-1961
Five E.E.V. Leddicon television camera tubes: 1) Type P 8400 AL6180; 2) Type P 8092 ser. no.K4033; 3) Type P 8160R ser. no.B6807; 4) Type P 8160G ser. no.B4958; 5) Type P 8160B Five EEV Leddicon television camera tubes
Monochrome television camera tubes with test grid, marked 370. Monochrome Television Camera Tubes with Test Grid
Vidicon camera tube, type WL7325, as used with image intensifiers for televised fluoroscopy, by Westinghouse, USA, 1950-1970 Vidicon camera tube 1950-1970