On Display
Object type

Metal test type for distance and astigmatism


Book of test-types for assessing visual acuity


Wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity


Near print test card frame


Revolving test types, in black wooden box

Diamond test type for astigmatism


Oliver test types in holder


Cowell test type


Ffooks symbol cube for testing visual acuity in children


"Beale Collin's Picture Types"


Test types in holder, 1871-1970, English (?)


Test type


Near print text card frame


Two small analogues of steam and sailing ships


Test-types, on translucent amber coloured film, in glazed wooden frame, by Packard and Curry, London

Eye-testing chart on translucent amber coloured film


"Ramsay Garden's Silhoutypes", wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity of children or illiterates, made by Clement Clarke Ltd., London, 1920-1940

"Ramsay Garden's Silhoutypes" wall chart


Revolving drum for eye-testing, Snellin-type chart with four faces each which has a different test type

Revolving eye-testing chart

Book of Jaeger test-type for assessing visual acuity, inventor(type) Professor E. Jaeger, arranged by Thomas Arsmstrong, Manufacturing Opticians of Manchester, 1860-1920

Book of Jaeger test-type for assessing visual acuity


Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity, arranged by Thomas Armstrong and Brother, Manufacturing Opticians of Manchester, 1860-1920. Property of T.H. Bickerton

Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity


Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity, arranged by Thomas Armstrong and Brother, manufacturing opticians of Manchester, 1860-1920

Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity

Book of Jaeger test-type for assessing visual acuity, arranged by Thomas Armstrong and Brother, manufacturing opticians of Manchester, 1860-1920

Book of Jaeger test-type for assessing visual acuity


Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity, made by Curry and Paxton, English, 1871-1930

Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity


Book of Jeager test-types for assessing visual acuity, possibly made by Curry and Paxton, English, 1871-1930

Book of Jeager test-types for assessing visual acuity


Test types for distance (test of visual acuity)

Test types for distance (test of visual acuity)

Book of Cowell test-types for assessing visual acuity, George Cowell, inventor (type), English, 1880-1920

Book of Cowell test-types for assessing visual acuity


'Motor Drivers Vision Test', two charts printed on one side for assessing visual acuity, made by Theodore Hamblin Limited, 15 Wigmore Street, London, W1, England, 1950-1960.

'Motor Drivers Vision Test'


Wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity, with instructions, supplied by National Ophthalmic Treatment Board Association, London, made by Hamblin, London, c. 1962

Wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity


Test type wall chart (Snellen), English (?), 1891-1970

Test type wall chart (Snellen)

Felt wall chart with 8 sizes of letter

Felt wall chart with 8 sizes of letter

Folding wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity, supplied by National Ophthalmic Treatment Board Association, London, c. 1961

Folding wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity

Test-types, distance, for children and illiterates, printed on cardboard, second half 19th century or 20th century

Test-types, distance, for children and illiterates


Test type charts (4), invented and supplied by Cowan and Sons, Manchester, English, 1940-1970

Test type charts (4)

Test-types, distance, for children and illiterates, printed on card, English, 1851-1950

Test-types, distance


Test type charts (2), Snellen type, modified by Pinnard, made by Francois Sapene, rue St. Merri 42, Paris, France, 1900-1978.

Test type charts (2)


Near print vision tester (copy), and stand

Near print vision tester (copy), and stand

Book of test type, used by Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, English, 1910-1970

Book of test type


Card with test-types for assessing visual acuity, English, 1871-1930

Card with test-types for assessing visual acuity


Set of two cardboard test-types, distance, illiterate, by Weiss, London, 1851-1950

Set of two cardboard test-types


Sheridan Gardiner test type kit, C Davis Keeler Limited, 21-27 Marylebone Lane, Wigmore Street, London, England, 1950-1970.

Sheridan Gardiner test type kit


Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity, arranged by Thomas Armstrong and Brother, manufacturing opticians of Manchester, 1860-1920

Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity


Folder containing 6 cards of test types, in leatherette cover, British, early 20th century

Folder containing 6 cards of test types


Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity, arranged by Thomas Armstrong and Brother, Manufacturing Opticians of Manchester, 1860-1920

Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity


Book of Jaeger test-type for assessing visual acuity, arranged by Thomas Armstrong and Brother, manufacturing opticians of Manchester, 1860-1920

Book of Jaeger test-type for assessing visual acuity


Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity, maker or arranger Curry and Paxton Ltd., 195/199 Great Portland Street and 22 Wigmore Street, W1, London, England, 1871-1930.

Book of Jaeger test-types for assessing visual acuity


"Landolt's Broken Rings", chat printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity, English, 1970

"Landolt's Broken Rings"


Folder of test type charts (7), invented by Wecker and Masselon, French, 1930-1970

Folder of test type charts (7)


Test type in black plastic wallet, by American Optical Corporation, USA, 1942-1960

Test type in black plastic wallet


Wall chart printed on both sides with test types for assessing visual acuity, published by Curry and Paxton, London, 1900-1920S

Wall chart printed on both sides with test types for assessing visual acuity


Wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity, published by Davidson and Co., London, 1920-1950

Wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity


Folding wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity, supplied by National Ophthalmic Treatment Board Association, London, c. 1961

Folding wall chart printed on one side with test types for assessing visual acuity