Object type

Quantum Mechanics


MD Thesis `Studies on the structure and function of factor VIII'


PhD thesis 'Purification and characterization of human factor VIII'


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Brian Whitt, titled: Gravity: a quantum theory?


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Friedel Epple, titled: String scattering amplitudes and effective action for toroidal orientifolds


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Paul Davis, titled: Hidden symmetries of higher dimensional black holes


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Nicholas Warner, titled: Non-Perturbative Quantum Gravity


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Alexander Kaus, titled: Extremal charged brane world black holes


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Ricardo Monteiro, titled: Classical and thermodynamic stability of black holes


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Marika Taylor, titled: Problems in M theory


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Christopher Hunter, titled: The nuts and bolts of entropy


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Mike Cassidy, titled: Quantum field theory and acausal spacetimes


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Justin Hayward, titled: Black holes in two dimensions


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Raphael Bousso, titled: Pair creation of black holes in cosmology


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Simon Ross, titled: Black hole pair creation


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Jonathan Halliwell, titled: The initial state of the universe (1986)


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Jonathan Halliwell, titled: The initial state of the universe (1985)


PhD thesis by Firas Jumaah


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Fay Dowker, titled: Space-time wormholes


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Paul Shellard, titled: Quantum Effects in the Early Universe


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Andrew Chamblin, titled: Aspects of topology in classical and quantum gravity


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Michael Fawcett, titled: Quantum field theory near a black hole


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Raymond Laflamme, titled: Time and quantum cosmology


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Oisin MacConamhna, titled: G-structures in supergravity


PhD thesis by Gary Gibbons's student Wayne Boucher, titled: Classical supergravity


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Gary Gibbons, titled: Some aspects of gravitational radiation and gravitational collapse


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Giovanni Paolo Procopio, titled: Black holes on the brane


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Tim Clunan, titled: The primordial universe: instantons, the ghost spectrum and the closed universe bispectrum


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Thomas Hertog, titled: The origin of inflation


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Chris Prior, titled: Angular momentum in general relativity


PhD thesis by Hawking's student Ian Moss, titled: Phase transitions in the early universe


PhD thesis by Hawking's student James Grant, titled: Spacetime distortion and quantum gravity. Including handwritten letter


[Thesis] 'The social definition of British railways since 1865: with special reference to those of England' / D.C.H. Watts. 1999. [Ph.D. in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept. of Geography, University of Bristol. xii + 459p. Includes colour photos (43) of railway advertising posters]

The social definition of British railways since 1865: with special reference to those of England


Le Cinemascope [thesis, University de Paris] / Christine Leininger, ca.1987. [138p., photocopy of typescript. Maitrise d'etudes cinematographiques et audiovisuelles, Universite de Paris VII]

Le Cinemascope thesis

circa 1987

The Development of the Lathe / Karl Wittmann. 1941. [Xeroxed typescript. Translation of Wittmann's Die Entwicklung der Drehbank, a dissertation at the Berlin Institute of Technology and a publication in the monograph series of the Centre for the History of Technology, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (vol.17).[1960 edition, in German, shelved at 621.9:93]

The Development of the Lathe / Karl Wittmann. 1941


Design of superconducting machines / A.D. Appleton. [Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of London, 1977. 253p., ill. Relates to the research undertaken with the first superconducting electric motor (Inv. No 1987-1158) developed in 1966 by the International Research and Development Co. Ltd. Inscribed and signed on flyleaf]

Design of superconducting machines / A.D. Appleton


'The Trend to Standardization: Product Develpment in the British Motor Cycle Industry 1896-1916' / Bernard Russell. [Ph.D thesis (1985) awarded by City Univ. Business School]

The Trend to Standardization: Product Develpment in the British Motor Cycle Industry 1896-1916


The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 : An Investigation / John M. Owen. [Thesis (M.Sc. in Energy Resource Management) - South Bank Polytechnic, 1989. iii, 90p., charts, photos (photocopy)]

The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 : An Investigation / John M. Owen


'Some aspects of the life of Bishop John Wilkins, 1614-1672' / Robert L. Helps. 1975. [A biographical study of the first twenty-four years of the life of John Wilkins, future founder of the Royal Society. Includes photo of portrait engraving of Wilkins. MA thesis, Univ. of Exeter. Photocopy of typescript, 206p.]

Some aspects of the life of Bishop John Wilkins, 1614-1672


The life and work of W.H. Wollaston / A.H. Kent, 1931. [Ts. dissertation for Univ. of London MSc (History, Methods and Principles of Science), v + 124p.]

The life and work of W.H. Wollaston / A.H. Kent


William Thomson's Inventions for the Submarine Telegraph Industry: A Nineteenth-Century Technology Program / Norton Q. Sloan Jr. [M.A. thesis, Harvard University, 1996. 240p.]

William Thomson's Inventions for the Submarine Telegraph Industry


[Ph.D. thesis] The little engines that could've : the calculating machines of Charles Babbage / Bruce Collier. 1970

The little engines that could've : the calculating machines of Charles Babbage


[Thesis] George Parsons and the Parrett Works 1834-1875 / Dennis Chapman. 1986. [M.Phil. Univ. of Liverpool thesis]

George Parsons and the Parrett Works 1834-1875


Future developments in aircraft design / F Whittle. [Whittle's original 1928 thesis (37p.) on Jet Propulsion by Rocket, and the Gas Turbine as a Power Plant for Aircraft, written whilst a Flight Cadet at Cranwell. In Royal Air Force notebook, later bound and bearing title 'The original "thesis" on the gas-turbine engine by Air Commodore Sir Frank Whittle'. Bears pencil comments by Cranwell's Science Professor, Prof. Sinnatt, including 'The thesis shows much careful and original thought and also a good deal of private reading', and the mark 30/30 on the front cover. There is a page missing]

Future developments in aircraft design, F Whittle.


The Differential Analyser and some applications / Arthur Porter. [Thesis (Ph.D.) - Victoria University of Manchester, 1936. 2 binders; include (loose) an abstract of the thesis (6p); an offprint 'The Construction and Operation of a Model Differential Analyser' by D.R. Hartree and A. Porter from vol.79 of Mem. & Proc. of the Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc. 1935 July; and, in an end-pocket to vol.1, 8 sheets of drawings. With miscellaneous papers]

The Differential Analyser and some applications, Arthur Porter


On Developments of Spectroscopic Apparatus in the Nineteenth Century / Elizabeth A. Sarson, 1973. [BSc degree thesis, Lady Margaret Hall, Univ. of Oxford. 279pp. + photos, ts.]

On Developments of Spectroscopic Apparatus in the Nineteenth Century / Elizabeth A. Sarson


Living with Plastics : Museums, Materials and Culture / Mark Suggitt. [1992 thesis (MA in Museum Studies) - University of Leicester, 1992. Chapters titled: Plastics and Museums, Excellent Substitutes (Plastics to 1920), Moulding a New world (Plastics to 1965), A Question of Taste (The Collecting of Plastics)]

Living with Plastics : Museums


Kensington's Electricity Supply : It's Nineteenth Century Beginnings / William John Cotton. [Thesis (Diploma in History [Scheme C - English Local History]) - University of London (Department of Extra-Mural Studies), 1972. v, 82p., 6 maps, photos (photocopy.)]

Kensington's Electricity Supply : It's Nineteenth Century Beginnings / William John Cotton


A History of Veloce Limited - Motor Cycle Manufacturers, Hall Green, Birmingham : an investigation of the financial, production and marketing policies of a firm of motor cycle manufacturers for twenty years prior to liquidation studied against the background of the industry / Joseph W. E. Kelly. [Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bradford, 1979. xiii, 602p., ill.]

A History of Veloce Limited - Motor Cycle Manufacturers


Mechanical hysteresis and tensile deformation of steel / S.L. Smith. 1923 March. [Thesis for D.Sc. (Engineering), Univ. of London. 122p. ts.]

Mechanical hysteresis and tensile deformation of steel / S.L. Smith. 1923 March.