On Display
Object type
Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway, metal ticket nippers for punching out B-shape, GNR marked on handle.

Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway

Ticket nippers, Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway, metal ticket nippers for clipping small triangle.

Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, London Midland & Scottish Railway, stamped "LMS", small triangular punch.

London Midland & Scottish Railway ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, Metropolitan Railway, stamped "Met Rly / T.Newey & Sons", small triangular punch.

Ticket nippers, Metropolitan Railway

Ticket nippers, Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway (London & North Western Railway), metal ticket nippers for clipping out small triangle, marked "L & NWR" and "J Hadley" on handles.

Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, metal ticket nippers which clip out a pentagon shape, unmarked.

Unidentified ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway, unmarked. Metal ticket nippers which punch a small diamond.

Ticket nippers, Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway

Ticket nippers, Mersey Railway, Punches No 981 (Liverpool Central low level).

Ticket nippers, Mersey Railway

Ticket nippers, unmarked. Claimed by original donor to have been used at Aberdeen Station prior to 1921

Unmarked ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, Great Western Railway.

Ticket nippers, Great Western Railway

Ticket nippers, London & North Eastern Railway, metal ticket nippers which cut out a small triangle. Marked "LNE" inside handle.

London & North Eastern Railway ticket nippers


Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway, metal ticket nippers for punching out C-shape, GNR marked on handle. 5 1/2"x2".

Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway

Ticket nippers, Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway, metal ticket nippers for clipping small triangle, unmarked.

Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway, metal ticket nipper for clipping out small triangle with curved sides, unmarked.

Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, Highland Railway, metal ticket nippers, Marked HR., rectangular punch.

HR ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway, metal ticket nipper for clipping out child ticket.

Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway

Ticket nippers, North Staffordshire Railway, unmarked, no 470, small triangular punch.

Ticket nippers, North Staffordshire Railway

Ticket nippers, metal ticket nippers, which clip a small hole. Marked "No 2 Warren Hill Boston. Pat'd Jul 20 1880".

Warren Hill Boston ticket nippers


Ticket nippers, Lancashire Derbyshire & East Coast Railway, stamped "LD&EC".

LD&ECR ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway, stamped "GNR", triangular punch.

Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway

Ticket nippers, Mersey Railway, metal ticket nippers for punching out "castle" shape and marking "938" on ticket, unmarked, rusty. ex Hamilton Square, Birkenhead.

Ticket nippers, Mersey Railway

Ticket nippers, probably Tyneside Tramways & Tramroad Co, metal punch ticket type for fixing to conductors ticket machine, clips a small trefoil.

Ticket nippers, Tyneside Tramways

Ticket nippers, North Eastern Railway, metal ticket nippers with NER marked on handle. Cuts out portion of ticket to denote "Child".

Ticket nippers, North Eastern Railway

Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway, metal ticket nippers which punch a small triangle. Marked "GNR Co" inside handle and "Wynn & Timmins" on other handle.

Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway


Ticket nippers, Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway, metal nippers for punching childs ticket. Unmarked ex Omeath Station.

Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, Great Northern Railway (Ireland), metal ticket nippers which clip a small triangle. Number 803. Marked GNR on handle. Ex Carlingford Station, Ireland.

Ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, London & North Western Railway, worn, edge-perforating chevron, nickel plated steel, 1900-1923. Ticket Nippers Midland Railway, edge-Perforating Square and embossing '39' steel, by Waterlow & Sons Limited, England 1900-1923.

London & North Western Railway ticket nippers


Ticket nipers, DN & GR, metal ticket nippers for clipping small triangle, rusty, unmarked. 5 1/2"x3"

Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, DN & GR, metal ticket nippers for cutting out section of ticket to denote "child". Unmarked. Ex Greenore Station. 5 3/4"x2"

Ticket nippers, Dundalk Newry & Greenore Railway

Ticket nippers, London & North Eastern Railway, stamped "LNER", punches out portion of ticket to denote a child.

London & North Eastern Railway ticket nippers


Ticket nippers, London & North Eastern Railway, metal ticket nippers which punch a large triangle, marked LNER on handle.

London & North Eastern Railway ticket nippers


Ticket nippers, Midland Railway, metal ticket nippers which clip out a small triangle and emboss No 38, made by Wynn & Timmins.

Midland Railway metal ticket nippers

Ticket nippers, London Midland & Scottish Railway, metal ticket nippers which clip out a small rectangle and emboss a small Z. Handle marked "LM & SR" "HcHGATE TOOL Co LTD". 5 1/4"x2 1/4"

London Midland & Scottish Railway ticket nippers