Piece of amadou tinder covered in fine brown powder enclosed in circular metal box with glass lid top 1801-1900
Piece of amadou tinder resembling chamois leather with one rough side, English, 19th century Piece of amadou tinder resembling chamois leather with one rough side 1801-1900
Circular amadou discs, hole through centre, round the hole is inflaming mixture, for tinder used in amorce lighter, probably, French, 1870-1920 Circular amadou discs 1870-1920
Series of specimens of the down of plants, used commonly as tinder, shown enclosed in nine glass specimen-tubes and boxes, from various countries. Specimens of tinder
String firebag, containing pipe, stone, tinder and steel, from Rajastan, India, 1850-1920 String firebag 1850-1920
Cloth firebag containing steel, flint and tinder, from Rajastan, India, 1850-1920 Cloth firebag containing steel 1850-1920
Plant-Down tinder, part of Hildburgh Collection of illuminating and fire making devices, collected by Dr. Walter Leo Hildburgh, F.S.A, London, England, 1910-1950 Plant down tinder 1910-1950
Two large pieces of amadou, a treated fungus, mainly used for tinder stopping haemorrhages mounted on card, European, 1900-1937 Two large pieces of amadou 1900-1937
Roll of paper tinder(?) with stamped with pattern consisting of bands of chevrons. English(?) 19th century Roll of paper tinder(?) with stamped with pattern 1801-1900