Minox Type 3001 slide projector in case. Serial Number 15530. This projector is for 3cm square slides - pictures made with the Minox sub-miniature camera. It has a Monox Wetzlar 35mm f/1.6 projection lena and has a 220v 100w lamp. It comes with a carrying case. Minox Slide Projector 1960
Kodaslide table projector with back-projection screen; for 2x2 inch (35mm) slides. Suitable for running off 105/250v circuits of 5 amps and above. Its lamp is a 6 volt 24 watt car lamp, overrun (to give a brighter illumination) at about 7 volt 28 watt. The lamp life is about 50 hours. The projector takes 35mm or 828 size film in 2x2 inch mounts and has a 2 inch f/4 lens. With protective case. Kodaslide Table Projector 1956
Leitz Prado projector. Ernst Leitz, Wetzler, Germany. For 2x2 inch slides Serial No 169913 and 80406; Leitz Hektor F:200m f/2.5 lens, on long mount, interchangeable with Leitx Xolorplan lens F:90mm f/2.5 on short mount. Fan cooled. Leitz Prado projector. Ernst Leitz 1954-1968