On Display
Object type

Blue and white willow-patterned earthenware tureen with handles


Tureen decorated with Manchester Corporation Waterworks crest

Tureen, wooden with removable pottery liner, two silver plated bands, by Mappin & Webb, London & South Western Railway, marked "L&SWR".

Tureen, London & South Western Railway

Tureen, silver plated, British Transport Commission - Hotels, made by Elkington & Co, Birmingham; oval, two handles, BTC Hotels logo on side.

Silver plated tureen, British Transport Commission - Hotels

Soup tureen with lid, poor condition, stamped LSWR and makers mark

Soup tureen with lid, London & South Western Railway

Tureen, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway, oval, two handled, with lid.

Silver plated tureen, Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway


Tureen, small, 2-handled, with lid, silver plated, by H.E. & Co, Great Central Railway, " GT CENTRAL RY" with GCR coat of arms on side

Silver plated tureen, Great Central Railway

Tureen, with lid, ceramic, Great Central Railway - Steamships, unidentified maker; oval, white with blue bands and blue motif on lid and bowl; "GREAT CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY" surrounding GCR coat of arms with "STEAMSHIPS" scroll below (bowl cracked). 14"x8 1/2"x6 1/2".

Ceramic tureen with lid, Great Central Railway - Steamships

Soup tureen with lid, silver plate, British Rail, four pint, two handles, marked with double arrow logo on side, by British Silverware Limited, Sheffield, E33715.

Soup tureen with lid, British Rail


Tureen, with lid, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, 1904, London Midland & Scottish Railway, rectangular, curved corners, 2-handled, "LMS STEAMERS" on tureen and lid

Silver plated tureen with lid, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Steamers


Tureen, 2-handled, no lid, silver plated, by Mappin & Webb, London Midland & Scottish Railway, circular, short stand, plain, "LMS HOTELS" block logo on side.

Silver plated tureen, London Midland & Scottish Railway - Hotels


Tureen, 1 pint, 2-handled, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, Great Central & Great Northern Joint Railways, "NOTTINGHAM JOINT STATION" garter with " GC&GN" in centre

Silver plated tureen, Great Central & Great Northern Joint Railways - Nottingham Joint Station

Soup tureen, silver plated, with two handles, stamped 'Station Hotel Perth' with coat-of-arms of Perth [double headed eagle with shield displaying paschal lamb], very worn, by Elkington & Co, 3179, 1890. Overall: 175 mm x 335 mm x 187 mm.

Silver plated soup tureen, Station Hotel Perth


Soup tureen, silver plated, 10 pint capacity, no handles, inscribed 'WB' on front, marked on base B11243, 10 PINT, unable to read maker's mark. Overall: 170 mm x 310 mm x 243 mm.

Silver plated soup tureen

Soup tureen with lid, engraved with London & South Western Railway. Overall with lid: 265 mm x 365 mm x 240 mm, 2.4kg.

Silver plated tureen with lid, London & South Western Railway

Tureen, with lid, ceramic, unmarked, Great Central Railway, oval, white with blue bands and blue motif on lid and bowl, "GREAT CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY" surrounding GCR coat of arms with "STEAM SHIPS" scroll below, bowl cracked

Ceramic tureen, Great Central Railway - Steamships

Tureen, with lid and stand, ceramic, Great Central Railway; oval, white with blue bands and blue motif on lid, bowl and stand, "GREAT CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY" surrounding GCR coat of arms and "STEAMSHIPS" scroll below; 8"x5 1/2"x4"

Ceramic tureen, Great Central Railway - Steamships

Serving tureen, silver plated, round with lid, Southern Railway logo on side and top of lid, made by Elkington & Co., Birmingham, 1948. Overall: 210 mm x 325 mm x 262 mm, 2.33kg.

Silver plated tureen with lid, Southern Railway


Serving tureen, silver plated, Southern Railway logo on side, made by Mappin & Webb Limited, Sheffield. Overall: 170 mm x 375 mm x 236 mm, 2.36kg.

Silver plated tureen, Southern Railway

Tureen with cover, silver plated, by William Hutton & Sons, Sheffield, North British Railway, two handles, four legs, leaf and reeded decoration on handles, rim and cover, engraved with NBR logo and "North British Station Hotel Edinburgh". Overall: 210 mm x 330 mm x 190 mm, 1.68kg.

Silver plated tureen and lid, North British Railway - Station Hotel, Edinburgh

Serving tureen, silver plated, oval with lid and handle with thumb piece, Southern Railway, made by Walker & Hall, Sheffield.

Silver plated tureen, Southern Railway

Tureen, 2-handled, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, 1908, London Midland & Scottish Railway, oval, on stand, engraved "LMS ST ENOCH STATION HOTEL GLASGOW".

Silver plated tureen, London Midland & Scottish Railway - St Enoch Station Hotel, Glasgow

Soup tureen, two handles and lid, fair condition, stamped BR Steamers and makers mark

Soup tureen with lid, BR Steamers

Pair of tureens, silver plated, by Elkington & Co, British Transport Commission, oval, two handles, BTC Hotels logo on side.

Silver plated tureen, British Transport Commission Hotels

Soup tureen, silver plated, with two handles and lid, stamped in garter 'Station Hotel Perth' on bowl and lid, by Elkington & Co, 1925. Bowl: 155 mm x 324 mm 263 mm, lid: 95 mm 270 mm. Overall height: 230mm.

Silver plated soup tureen, Station Hotel Perth


Soup tureen, silver plated, by Walker & Hall, Sheffield, British Railways Hotels Executive, two-handled, with integral stand. Stamped A1, Warranted and Hard Soldered, 115, 1 pint, 1953. Overall: 67 mm x 187 mm x 140 mm.

Silver plated tureen, British Railways Hotels Executive


Tureen, silver plated, with two handles, stamped 'The Granville' within garter, unidenitified maker. Overall: 150 mm x 405 mm x 225 mm, 1.67kg.

Silver plated tureen, The Granville

Soup tureen with lid, 4 pint, British Rail, made by British Silverware Limited, Sheffield. Overall (with lid): 185 mm x 300 mm 230 mm, 1.95kg.

Silver plated soup tureen and lid, British Rail

Silver plated tureen, British Transport Commission Catering Services, BTC CS stamped on front, by Elkington & Co, oval, two handles, no lid. Stamped on base with 'Elkington Plate', 28903, 6P and the date mark for 1931. Overall: 152 mm x 360 mm x 210 mm.

Silver plated tureen


Soup tureen, silver plated, by walker & hall, Sheffield, British Railways Hotels Executive, two-handled, with integral stand.

Silver plated tureen, British Railways Hotels Executive